
What kind sicking game does he want to play?

I felt goosebumps down my spine as his chilling gaze locked on mine.

This isn't the way I planned my life to be or how it ought to turn out.

All I wanted was some peace.

A quiet place. A place where I can be free from all this Godforsaken problem.

"You ready" His cold voice asked. It wasn't a question more like a command. Looks like I have no choice but to play this 'bone chilling game'

I looked at him as he eyes bore into mine, a smug look dancing in those terrifying eyes of his. He was enjoying every moment of my weakness, my pain, my deepest fear.... I can't take this shit anymore..... I just can't?

I felt suffocated. My chest was aching so bad as my entire body was covered in sweat.

"I will let you run since you are so good at it. Hmm.." He spoke as he rested his back on the wall. "The door is widely open for you. Run far away, run as far as you can, I won't stop you." The corner of his mouth lifted.

Damn! Why can't I read his expression?

I'm so confused?

What was he trying to gain by asking me to run?

He had me where he wanted..... So why let me go?

I was already his prisoner. The last time I tried escaping, I paid a huge price for my stupidity.

The memory alone was going to haunt me for the rest of my life.

"Let's see how soon I can catch you" he continued.

I knew it he had an hidden agenda.

Why? Just why?

Why do I need to run? I can just stand up for myself. Tell him that he doesn't fear me and I'm not a weak person.

Who am I kidding!?

I'm a big time weakling.

I didn't stand up for myself in past, how can I do that now?

I'm just so scared. I'm afraid of what could happen to me.

Damn, I was to cut...

"You have Ten (10) Seconds to start running or I will hurt you in a way no one has" he said in a deadly tone. "And I'm going to love every bit of it" baring his teeth as he laughed hysterically.

I clenched my jaw as I tried to reason what he was trying to achieve by doing this...

"Your time start.... NOW!" He growled.

My brain processed everything he said at once. I jumped to my feet, wobbly at first... I rushed out of the storage room leaving him behind. He truly didn't stop me, he wasn't chasing after me.

I ran as fast as I could.... I couldn't stop, I wouldn't stop, I just can't... My entire body was in pain, every step was painful, my bones felt like it was going to pop out of my flesh, it screaming for me to stop, to let it rest... But how could I?

I don't want to be dragged back to that awful place. I'm such a coward.... I know..... I know.

I don't have any other choice, I have run so why would I bother about so stupid pain.

I ran faster than ever before, not wanting to catch up with me. With tears in my eyes, my body shaking uncontrollably and pain all over. I RAN FOR MYSELF