'Stay far away me'

I stretched out my hand to the door knob as I got close to the door when the door slammed shut.


My heart fall into the pit of my stomach - I could literally hear the sound. I was in dazed as my entire body was drenched in cold sweats.

No!! No!!! No!!!

I couldn't react. I kept staring at the door, hoping for it to just be my imagination. It's running wild again?

I'm just dreaming.

The door couldn't be closed, right?

I'm gonna get out of here, I'm going to leave this awful place.

'Stevie get a grip of yourself' I kept echoing in my head.

I tried toughing up but my trembling hands gave me away. Do I deserve all this? Hmm?

I reached out to the door knob again after taking countless of deep breaths to calm my shaking nerves. I turned it, hoping that it would open - even if it's a little bit, i didn't mind squeezing through - but it still wouldn't budge.

"No!!!? I screamed. My raspy voice broke the silence. I was so close. So, so close to getting out, to begin free, close to escaping from this awful nightmare but it closed. It closed right in front of me, denying me of everything, denying of my greatest wish...

I couldn't explain how I felt. I was scared, lonely, broken. It felt terrible - it really did.

I started banging the door, hoping for someone to come and save me. At times like this HOPE was only thing I had left even if it never works out. I just hope. Hope that it was going to get better, that I was going to survive this. I hope.

Eventually it never works out, it makes me feel so stupid for even having hope in the first place. It never works out!

I fell to my knees as I laughed hysterically. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I was extremely tired. So, so tired.

"You. Sick. Bitch!!" A ear splitting voice resounded in the room. Piercing the grave like silence.

I froze. Goosebumps where appearing on my skin.

It felt like someone was here, watching my every movement, mocking me. The room felt colder than before, I had to hugged myself tighter. The breathing around me got louder and I could feel it on my skin. I held my breath as I had goosebumps.

I was to scared to look around. This place was too scary.

"You are never going to escape! No matter where you go I'm gonna find you!" the same voice said maliciously while laughing.

No!! I can't stay here, I just can't. I banged the door harder than before, practically trying to break it down.

Why now?

Why at this moment?

Why am I so weak?

I used my little strength to bang the door but nothing happened. All my banging had no effect - sucks. I banged and banged still nothing.

Just continuous laughter.

I feel to my knees again unable to do anything. I stared in daze.

I felt so cold inside out.

"Please, let me out" I said brittlely. "Am begging you". I tried my best not to cry, I had to be strong for myself. I had to.

But, can I ?

I had no idea how much time had passed as I kept sitting where I was. My legs were numb and I was starving. Deep down I was to scared to move cause it was so dark - you never know what's hiding in the shadows. The smell of blood became stronger as time went by. It was suffocating and I had to hold it in but it was difficult. I felt nauseous, I could feel the smell on me.


My heart skipped a bit. I felt something dripping on my head down to my face - it's water, it had to be. Deep down I don't want to know what it was. I was too scared to. I shook my head to get rid of the horrible thoughts trying to dive into my already messed up brain.

DRIP!! DRIP!! No matter how much I tried to ignore, it kept on dripping intensely.

What the...??

I touched it in order to know what the hell it was. My entire body felt cold and my eyes almost rolled out of its socket when I saw the dark red colour. A strong metallic smell hits my nose - BLOOD. My hands trembled, I almost fainted. I could hear the consistent sound of it dripping on my head, I had to brace myself and looked up.

I'm brave enough to do that.

I'm not some weak girl.

My gaze locked with those cold lifeless eyes, blood dripping from his body were falling on me, with that sinister smile on his pale lips as he kept looking at me.

I froze.

I couldn't move, my eyes were glued to his lifeless ones.

My brain was telling me to run but I couldn't move an inch. I had no control over my body.

How do I save myself?

I kept quaking as he kept staring at me. It's as though he had full control of my body. All he had to do was pull the strings. I'm literally his puppet.

Why me?


I hated this feeling. I hated feeling this way!

My mind was a in total mess. 'Run! Run far away! Get up! Move damn it!' I kept echoing in my head but where do I start from. How do I begin? I pinched myself hard inorder to regain some sanity.

I felt my skin crawling as more blood kept falling on me. I really wanted to tear the damn skin off. I badly wanted to.

His neck moved in an abnormal direction, the wicked smile still on his lips like he wanted to eat me up. He jumped in front me. I creeped out.

I jumped and screamed in fright. I ran from where I was to the other side on the room hitting and pushing things that were in the way. I almost fainted from the pain as my left thigh were slashed by a nail at the side of a table - Damn! That's gonna leave a deep cut. I kept shaking violently, I couldn't get a hold of myself. I tightly shut my eyes not wanting to see this monster approaching me.

'Out of sight sight out of mind'!

The air around me felt cold, way before freezing point. 'Please don't come any closer. Stay away from me' I sobbed in my heart.

I don't want to be here.

I felt a cold sensation on my cheeks. My blood turned cold.

Don't be real.

I kept shivering under his touch.

"You can never escape. You will always be trapped. Always!" His voice were as cold as ice.

I shook my head in disagreement as more tears fell from my eyes.

'Go away!!' I kept shouting in my heart. 'Leave me be'.

My greatest wish was to disappear from here at this very moment.

He was too close for my liking.

His icy breath was fanning my neck

sending shivers down my spine, he could

easy break me at his will.

"Look at me" he said in a deep voice

I refused to look at him.


He slapped me.

I winced. My cheeks were burning from the pain.

I'd no choice but to look at him, tears.

were at the brink begging to fall. I wouldn't let that happened, not when he's right

in front of me.

Despite how much I tried to put up a bold front, one look from him could shatter it into pieces.

He began laughing hysterically. It was ear-piercing, i had to cover my ears to block some of it out...….

He moved back while staring at me murderously. "Now, let's play a game"
