"Who are y..o...u?" I shutter.

"Your worst nightmare" he laughed evily. I hated the fact that he was laughing at me. Must they all laugh at me?

Must I always be the one who is being ridiculed?

He dragged me by my collar in order to follow him - like I was a disgusting dog.

He didn't give a shit that he was choking me, he didn't stop. Trying to fight him was fruitless as my little strength could do nothing a big monster like him.


"Please! Let me go. I beg you." I pleaded breathlessly. "You are hurting me" I cried as I tried to fight him but it didn't work.

He kept on dragging me through the dark scary road. I coughed constantly as I found it difficult to breath. Damn! I needed air. Badly!

"I can't breath" I said silently - he didn't stop.

I was shoved somewhere. I clutched my throat as I tried to get air into my lungs.

Must breath. Must breath. I coughed as I looked around me.

Damn! Why is it so dark?

Where is this?

Where am I?

I placed my hands down and felt the surface - METAL. I adjusted my eyesight a bit. A VAN.


The van was so dark, just like the lonely road. Despite adjusting my eyesight I still couldn't see anything clearly. I don't want to be here. I have to escape before he does something bad to me.

I'm so scared. I can't stay here.

He will hurt me.

They will hurt me.

No! I can't. I have to get out.

My heart kept beating so fast, it won't take long before I get a panic attack. I kept wiping my sweaty hands on my wore out jeans. This was really killing me.

'Not now!' I thought. I have to escape this. I don't want to pay for anything. I can't pay for...

I felt a big bang on my head.

Now, I knew that there was no way out of this. There are certain things I can't wish for - FREEDOM - no matter how much I beg and cry for it. It was never mine in the first place.

But, why me?

Why me?

Must I keep suffering?

I never asked for any of this.

Should I blame it on bad luck?

Bad luck?

I guess that's the only thing I get.

My eyelids closed as I surrender to darkness.


My head was throbbing painfully. "Please make it stop" I mumbled as I massage my aching head. I tried sitting up but my legs were weak for some unknown reason. It's as though I was run over by a moving truck.

"Shit!" I grumbled.

I gently opened my eyes to adjust to the light. What light? There was no light. It was so dim. "How long had I been out?" I asked.

Wait a second?

What the!!!

My eyes almost pulled out of it's socket. How did I end up here This!!... This place was a slaughter's room. Oh! No. It was to ghastly sight. I puked immediately, I couldn't stand such a sight. It was absolutely terrifying.

How!? When!?

"Agh!!!" I screamed. Everything that happened earlier began to flash back to my memory causing me to feel a sharp pain in my head. I jumped to my feet, I hissed in pain as I fell back down to the cold cold floor - this was certainly below 0°C. Looking at my legs, it was seriously bleeding. I had different bruises that hadn't heal on my legs.


When did I hurt myself? I couldn't possibly remember. I was just running away from him when…. No… it can't be. It just can't. I shook my head in disagreement as I kept trying to calm my nervous nerves. Maybe.... Maybe he did. But why?

I was so scared. I kept shivering from fear, he must have done this to me. I rubbed my shoulders to get a little warm. I was so cold deep down.

I was fighting back the tears from falling but couldn't. I felt so pathetic. Must I always cry? Must I?

I looked around the room while blinking back my tears in order to get a clearer view. It was so stuffy as the purgent smell of blood was everywhere. The different sizes of knives gave it a scary vibe and the half slaughtered meat were as though they were staring at me.

I have to leave here.

I have to leave as soon as possible. I can't stay here.

The room had only one window which was very high. Giving my height and stamina I couldn't reach it even with a table. The door was tightly shut.

How do I get out of here? From the look of it there wasn't a way out of this nightmare. This isn't how I pictured my life to be.

Sitting on the cold floor I brought my knee to my chest, resting my face on it. I cried, I cried until my face was puffy

I can't stand being locked up. I hated the fact that I was claustrophobe, it was so depressing. That faithful day, I was locked up inside a tiny cupboard with lots of thoughts going through my mind. It felt like the walls had hands and each wanted to have a piece of me.

"It's just a dream. It's just a dream. I'm going to be fine" I kept muttering. "I'm really going to be fine".

Despite the fact that there was only one window, it was so cold as the wind was blowing fervently. I hugged myself tighter. I could feel goosebumps on my skin, it felt like I wasn't the only one here. I could faintly hear the sound of breathing around me, like I was been watched. I swallowed hard as my body kept shaking violently. So scary. I was too scared to look around me. Afraid of what I would see, afraid of everything. I'm not brave enough, I'm a coward. A big one. I can't stay here but I'm too afraid to move. Too scared. Please someone save me.

I heard the sound of the door being unlocked. At first I thought it was my imagination but the sound got louder. Should I look or not? The breathing around me got louder. That's was my cue to look at the door, I raised my head from my knee and wiped my tears stained eyes. I noticed that the door was left opened. Yes! I didn't need to think twice.

I rushed towards it seeing it as my only means of escape from here. My legs were wobbly and in pains as I dragged but that didn't matter cause I finally saw a way of escape.

Happiness flowed through me. I wiped my tears with the back of my hands. It felt like eternity, I banged my legs consistently on tables but I didn't stop to nurse the pain. This was not the time for it. I had a big smile on my face, a smile so real. I felt so warm. For the first time I had a way of escape, I was so happy. Extremely happy.

I'm a few step to my freedom.

A few step from escaping from this nightmare.

From escaping from all this monsters.

I stretched out my hand to the door knob as I got close to the door when.....