' I'm so scared."

I was at the middle of the road late at night, staring into nowhere. The lone road was so quite with no means of transportation. Was I the only one here? Looking closely at the road, it feels like a forgotten highway.

Rubbing my palms against my arms as the cold wind passed through my skin causing me to shiver.

The street light weren't even helping matters, it was blinking.

Suddenly, everywhere I looked turned dark, like my eyes sucked out the little light from it - creepy. I was surrounded by total darkness. I couldn't see anything even my own shadow. I turned around again and again hoping to see a way out of this darkness. Instead, it only became worst.

I took that as my cue to run, though I was terrified. I ran not knowing where I was or how I ended up here, it was a big puzzle to me. The worst part of it all was that I couldn't see a damn thing, I couldn't see what was on my left or right side. I was so scared.

"Help me!!" I shouted fearfully. "Someone help me!"

I kept on running trying to find a light somewhere, even if it was a dim light or the blinking street light - I wouldn't mind. I just needed to get out of here - FAST.

"Someone help me, please!!!" I pleaded desperately. There was nothing but silence, a deafening silence. 'Was I the only one here?' I thought. "I don't know where to go" I felt distorted.

I bent down, placing my head on my knees and cry - was this real? How on earth did I wander here?

Tears were freely falling from my eyes and I let it. I'm an ugly cryer, I looked like a witch from one of Shakespeare's plays. I hated myself for feeling this way. But at this moment I was really frightened.


They were laughing at me. Mocking me. 'Please stop' I thought.

I shivered. Shutting my eyes and covering my ears in order to lessen it but it didn't. The laughter was a wicked one, it was mocking me, humiliating me and I desperately wanted it to stop. The laughter remained me of everything I wished to forget, all things I hated, of that day. The laughter continued as more tears fell from my eyes. PATHETIC.


I removed my hands from my ears and opened my eyes, shocked at how quiet everywhere was. Like nothing ever happened. My mind was certainly playing tricks on me.

"You worthless bitch!!!" An angry voice shouted. I felt the hatred in the voice.

I looked around but couldn't see a thing.

"No one is going to save you. You will rot here!" The same voice sneered. "You will suffer and pay for the sins you committed, every single SIN. You deserve to die. No one needs you" the voice barked.

"It wasn't my fault" I whispered weakly. "I couldn't take it anymore" I hiccuped.

"SILENCE!!!!" The voice yells.

I flinched and shut my eyes tightly. I can't lose myself like the last time. I can't.

"You have no right to talk. It was your fault. You are the big problem, the pain in everyone's life" the voice said angrily. "You whore! You deserve to suffer even more" the voice repeated while laughing.

I was shaking in fear. My hands were trembling as I struggle to breathe properly, my eyes were tears filled.

"You are everyone's nightmare" it snarled.

I closed my eyes to stop the tears from falling as the awful words pieced my heart. It hurts so much.

Was it my fault?

Do I really have to pay?

Must I keep suffering?

I sniffed and wiped my eyes with my hands. Blinking slightly, I saw a shadow approaching from the dark. I couldn't make out who the person was but I knew it wasn't good.

"Who I….s th...ere?" I asked stammering inarticulately. The unknown person didn't reply. He kept moving towards me.

A lots of thoughts came rushing through my mind like; Who was he? Was he here to save me? Could he be the owner of that awful voice? Why isn't he saying anything? Does he want to hurt me? Could it be HIM? No… no...no.. it can't be. I'm imagining things. No, I have to run. I have to run.

I'm scared.

The whole place became tensed I knew that I had to move. I got up from where I was squatting, I ran. Before he could get to me, I had to be more steps ahead.

It's like I was born to run. All my system were designed for running, it's in my DNA. I have an habit of running away from things I can't control, things that breaks me down, from everything. Just one time when I decided not…...

I turned back, noticing that the person was also chasing me, he was about to catch up. "No!!" I mumbled fearfully.

I began sweating profusely, my heart was beating faster like it was going to pop out of my chest.

I ran faster - faster than ever before - my legs were so weak. I might fall at any moment but I didn't stop. I can't cause I don't want to die.

After running for a while, I glanced behind seeing no one chasing after me. I stopped. Looking around breathlessly, fear and pain were evident on my face. I was so scared. Truth be told I needed answers to all this. I didn't do anything wrong. so, why is he after me?

I placed my face into my palm and sobbed more into it.



Everywhere was still dark and I hated it - darkness. There was nothing special about the dark, it only hide things.

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder and at that moment I died. I literally died.

"Do you think you can run away forever?" The person chuckles. "I will always catch up with you. Always!" he whispered in my ear sending cold shivers down my spine. He laughs as he noticed how I was shivering from his touch.

Feeling a little bit brave, I tried shoving him and running away - Damn it! - my weak legs couldn't go far as I was dragged back and shoved to a wall forcefully.

I hissed in pain.

Where the hell did this wall come from?

I shut my eyes hard not wanting to have a glimpse of him. I didn't have the courage to.

'Why me?' I thought.

"Look at me bitch!" He hissed. I shooked my head, I didn't want to. "I said look at me!" He shouted.

I refused.


Ouch! He slapped me so hard causing me to fall to the ground. My cheeks hurt, I didn't need a magical to tell me that it was going to bruise.

"I don't repeat myself" he roared. He picked me up and shook me violently. "Do you get that?" He raised my head to look at him.

After debating with myself realizing that it was better to listen to him. I can't provoke him any further. A wise thing to do.

I got shocked when I opened my eyes, he was wearing a face masks - an ugly masks - his entire body was covered in a black outfit.

"Please,don't hurt me" I pleaded. Deep down I wanted to know who he really was or why he was mocking me.

"Who are y..o...u?" I shutter.

"Your worst nightmare"