My Heart

Eva had been frozen for several moments now. She tried to remember the last thing that came to mind before she fell unconscious.

'How did I get myself in this situation?'

Laying next to her was Lucas with his arm around her. He was so close the earthy tones of the forest wafted off of him.

It was very distracting.

She thought that she could just sneak away, but the moment she began to move his grip tightened around her. 

When she fell asleep he was far away from her, but now he was so close! Her words from the day before made this situation even more awkward.

Red nosed her arm as she tried to think of a way out of this situation. Her hand absentmindedly patted the young cub's head. 

The small movement triggered Lucas to pull her close again. Her heart beat wildly as his breath tickled her neck.


The thoughts in her head seemed to buzz in the background as her beating heart beat loudly in her ears.
