Soothing Tones

Lucas pulled Eva to his side and tried to ignore the feeling of pleasure he got to feel her body tucked against his. Eva let out a yelp of surprise but easily cuddled her head into his neck. 

'You're so helpless.'

The man had finished reeling about the pain in his hand before he faced Lucas again. He took in the protective arm around her and snorted in disgust.

"So what are you her lover or something?"

"What if I am?"

The man spit at Lucas' feet and walked away muttering to himself. Lucas glared at the man until he disappeared amongst the crowd. A whistle came from behind him.

Lucas ignored the annoying woman behind him and checked over every inch of Eva to make sure the man hadn't done anything to her. He noticed a slight tear in the cloak he had given her. He frowned slightly.

"So you are the one who gave her that cloak. Does she even know what that signifies?"