High Mana Zones?

Red showed Eva to a small waterfall that flowed into a stream, but created a small oval where one could wade in. It was hidden well from the rest of the forest and she appreciated his efforts.

"Ok, keep guard while I wash up."

Red chuffed and climbed up a nearby tree. If it weren't for his tail hanging down from the branch she might have missed where he went.

After setting her pack down she pulled out a towel and some bathing supplies. This reminded her of her time with Lucas. Everything in the forest reminded her of him.

'Why did I ever fight a relationship with him if this is how I felt?'

Maybe she was finally growing up. She splashed the cool water on her burned skin. She took in a sharp breath, but endured it. This is what she got for not coming prepared for the sun's sharp rays.

The truth was that Lucas always prepared those things for her, so it never crossed her mind that she needed it.

"I'm hopeless."