Unbreaking Fever

Lucas laid Eva down on his bed while the maids rushed around the room. The council would probably hear about this by morning, but he didn't care. He was always doing things for Eva and if they didn't like it, then he would just take them all out of the picture.

"Master, the bath is ready."

"Leave us then."

The maid looked sad, but motioned the rest of the maids out of the room. If only their master would rely on them more. That is what the maids felt in their heart. At first they did not know what to expect from serving the new elf noble. They thought that surely it wouldn't last.

Now their master was a count and the talk around the servants of the noble quarter said he might be a duke soon. His multiple escapades into the high magical regions had brought the house many riches.

Now the servants did not fear for job security and they served their master fervently. The only drawback was that their master never relied on them. It was very frustrating.