I Entrust Her to You

After the maids cleared away the tea and snacks, Fiora turned to the next page of the Journal.

"After many years the Great Spirit became lonely once more despite the company of its children. It longed for the days it spent with the Mother Spirit and began experimenting to recreate the love it lost.

The Great Spirit thus created the dwarves, humans, and the other races that now walk the world. With each failed experiment the Great Spirit would despair anew. Finally, after many years and failed experiments, the Great Spirit disappeared from this world."

Fiora closed the book and placed it back on the shelf. The maids had left a pitcher of water and some cups, so Fiora helped herself to a glass.

"I don't see how this will help Eva."

"All things come in due time. That is enough of a lesson for today. I am tired."

Lucas became frustrated, but he knew how stubborn Fiora could be.

"I will be in my room if you need anything."