A Drop of Remembrance

When Eva opened her eyes she was surrounded by girls wearing black and white uniforms. The sudden appearance of so many bright eyed girls surrounding her made her eyes widened in surprise.

"Umm, where is Lucas?"

Her voice sounded weak and the girls around her immediately began plumping her pillows and pulling the blanket over her to make her more comfortable.

"Mistress Fiora summoned the master." A girl with blonde hair answered Eva.

It took a moment for Fiora's name to connect in her mind and she immediately sat up despite the maid's best efforts of making the bed more comfortable for her.

"Fiora is the elf woman who taught him about magic, right?" Eva rubbed her head and muttered under her breath.

The maids reassured her that is who Fiora was and tried to force her to lay back down. However, the absence of Lucas, who had been by her side throughout her recovery frightened her.