The King's Request

The light in the room seemed to burn her eyes, so she shut them to block out everything but the memory that came to her. She had longed for even a snippet of a memory for so long that anticipation bubbled up within her.

Lucas was standing before her with his hood pulled up, obscuring his face. His hand pointed at plants around them. The almost musical sound of his voice filtered in between the trees.


His voice brought her back to the present. Her eyes fluttered open to the concerned gaze before her. There was a sharp intake of breath before Lucas steadied her by placing both his hands on her shoulders.

"A forest… with plants… You were wearing a cloak with a hood."

She blinked several times, but the images that she had finally grasped did not lead to any other memories resurfacing. A frown spread across her face.

"Why can I not remember more?"