The Blood Moon (Ch.1)

The darkness of the night had just blanketed the Empire of the Fanged, the moon was set high in the sky, casting a towering castle in it's enchanting glow.

The castle rose so high it almost pierced the sky and the aura exuded from the castle was dark and domineering, leaving one with a chill of terror by simply staring at it.

The castle was massive and luxurious, the most imposing structure in all the empire and the seat of power of the fanged empire, one of the most powerful empires in the supernatural realm,

Within the towering castle, laid upon a large bed was a dashing young man with hair as black as night and eyes a deep blood red, a glance at him and one could only describe his visage with a single word... otherwordly.

The young man's head was dipped down low and a closer look revealed his fangs were elongated and sunk deep into an exposed neck, the dashing young man drank his fill on the blood of the doe eyed beauty writhing in pleasure beneath him.

"More... please, more..." The beauty pleaded in a tone thick with desire and the dashing young man was glad to oblige, sinking his fangs in even deeper till blood dripped out the sides of his lips, dribbling down his chin and disappearing beneath the sheets

Beneath him, the doe eyed beauty shivered, her toes curling in ecstasy as her orgasm wracked through her, her entire body tingling with pleasure,

Suddenly and much to the disappointment of the doe eyed beauty, the dashing young man retracted his fangs slowly, lifting a thumb up to his lips to wipe off the trail left by the blood which had slipped out,

"Please don't stop." The beauty whimpered pleadingly, doe eyes blinking up at the dashing young man as she panted with need.

Many men would be moved by those large pair of innocent looking eyes, along with the seductive beauty of the curvaceous female beneath him, but clearly the dashing young man was not just any man.

"Anymore and you will die." The dashing young man replied in a cold and emotionless tone as he moved away from the beauty, stepping down from the large bed.

"I don't mind, I can take it master... master need not restrain your desires." The doe eyed beauty pleaded, her tone desperate and needy.

"I am not your master and there are no desires to restrain, you are sustenance... that is all this is." The dashing young man clarified emotionlessly, fixing the doe eyed beauty a disapproving gaze.

The doe eyed beauty flinched at the harsh words from the dashing young man, her eyes watering as tears slowly slipped out of them.

" didn't even touch me..." The doe eyed beauty stuttered out, her words met with uncaring silence.

Once again she had come to him, hoping this time would be different, hoping this time his desire would overtake him and he would mate her with reckless abandon,

However just as the other times, there she lay, fully clothed, her clothing soaked with her own essence yet he had not touched her, only had his fill on her blood, leaving her mad with her need for him.

"Do you not find me attractive master? I have lost my mind to my desire for you and yet you turn away from me...look me in the eye and tell me a sight of my bareness does not stir your loins?" The doe eyed beauty insisted, stripping off her clothing and rising to her feet.

The dashing young man turned slowly to face her, his eyes glancing down her naked body and then back up to her face, not the slightest bit of emotion flickered across his eyes.

"Do not test me. I do not wish to see you upon my return, leave." The dashing young man ordered without a care as he walked out of his quarters in powerful strides, his long black coat trailing behind him.

The dashing young man strode into an audience hall where three men awaited him, he walked past them and took a seat on his throne, fixing his retainers with a bored glance.

"Greetings, My King." The retainers greeted in unison, dropping to their knees and bowing low.

From the words of the three men, it was clear this dashing young man was highly revered ruler of the Fanged Empire.

"Report." The dashing young man ordered in his characteristic cold tone,

"My King, as you command, we have tracked down the half bloods prowling the three realms, however we are yet to find the one who sired them, all hints point to a rogue true blood." The first of the three men reported.

"It is as Viktor has said My King, the trail of the rogue true blood is slippery and he hides himself well...I fear we can only concentrate our forces on tracking down the half-bloods as soon as they are turned, before they can cause any havoc." The second of the three men said in agreement.

The dashing young man was just about to respond, however his words were caught in his throat and his entire form froze up for a spilt second before he vanished from his throne, speeding away in the blink of an eye.

It was only after a moment that the three men felt the aura their King had already felt earlier and their eyes widened as they exclaimed in unison.

"The Blood Moon!"

The three men followed the trail of their King the very next moment, catching up to the dashing young man who had come to a halt, staring up at the dark sky in silence.

Now outside the castle, the familar sounds of croaking frogs and chirping crickets made the night seem quite normal, a night as regular as every other...

However this was not just any normal night, to some perhaps it was, but to others, no..., it was far from it, this was a long awaited night.

High up in the sky, the usual silvery glow of the moon slowly darkened to a deep red color, red as deep as fresh blood,

This was the night of the blood moon, to everyone else, it was still just a normal night, but to a certain dashing young man, it was a night he had waited three millennials for.

"My King! It is the Blood Moon! It truly is!" One of the three men exclaimed in elation, a feeling mirrored in the eyes of the other two men as they stared at their ruler who still seemed frozen in shock.

"The Blood Moon is upon us, I have waited far too long for this day. The time has come to find soulmate, my beloved. The trail leads to the human realm, I shall depart immediately and I shall bring my people their queen, the Queen of the Fanged." The dashing young man murmured in an emotional tone.

"May the creator guide your path and grant you success, My King." The three men said in unison, bowing their heads low,

When they finally lifted their heads, the King of the Fanged had long disappeared, his destination... the human realm.