For Sale (Ch.2)

Kelevi gazed up at the moon, his eyes fluttering closed as he inhaled deeply.

Kelevi's nose scrunched up slightly, he was accustomed to the refreshing scent of nature and unadulterated fresh air, however the pungent smell of petrol fumes and the dusty particles in the air irritated his sensitive nose.

There was a host of other scents mixed up together, most of which were unpleasant and Kelevi was certain he did not even want to know what these scents were.

Despite how bothersome taking deep breaths were, Kelevi inhaled even deeper, concentrating his sense of smell till he found a wisp of that alluring scent trail,

That scent trail that stirred up his deepest, darkest desires... that scent trail that made his undead heart give it's first trembling beats in over centuries longer than he could remember,

The very same scent trail Kelevi had been tracking for days since arriving at the human realm,

The alluring scent was mixed up with all the other scents and it was tasking to sift it out and find it's trail, had it been any other vampire, it would have been nearly impossible to trace this barely noticeable scent across this vast city,

When it came to sniffing down scent trails, Kelevi was willing to admit the abilities of Vampires were limited, the Wereshifters were more gifted in that regard, their sense of smell was much more adept and precise.

However that limitation was reserved for ordinary vampires and luckily for Kelevi, he was no ordinary vampire.

Kelevi's eyes remained closed as the scent trail solidified and became visible in his mind's eyes, like a thin silvery thread, flickering ever so often yet tangible enough that Kelevi could see the direction to which it led.

Kelevi allowed the thin thread extend for as far as his mind's eye would allow before his eyes fluttered open and in the blink of an eye, Kelevi's form vanished from where it had been, leaving behind no sign that he was ever present there in the first place other than a light gust of wind.


Kelevi stared up at a beautiful modern mansion, in a vast estate at the quiet edge of the bustling Evercrest city.

He could clearly see that silvery thread leading right up to the beautiful home, however the mansion was in complete darkness, no lights were lit within and it was clear that no one was home.

Kelevi walked calmly up the path leading to the door, stretching a hand towards the locked door, his hand glowed slightly and Kelevi watched as the door slid open.

Kelevi then stepped into the mansion, he did not need to turn on the lights, he could see perfectly in the dark.

The ground floor of the mansion was in perfect condition, everything was kept in order and not a single thing was out of place, it was clear whoever lived here was detailed and precise in their dealings.

Kelevi glanced around and he knew within his heart that this was it, this was the place he had been searching for over the past month since arriving in the human realm.

Kelevi headed up the stairs to the one room with the highest concentration of that heady was clearly her bedroom.

The alluring scent was etched into the very crevices of the walls and most especially on that massive queen sized bed, Kelevi felt himself growing dizzy from that heady scent as his fangs elongated without his control and his heart was filled with an overwhelming craving...

This was truly it, this was the home of the one person he had waited millennials for, the one person he had loved all his existence even before she herself came to existence... his other half, his beloved.

Kelevi felt his heart shudder in anticipation within him as he thought on what next to do, it was clear that his beloved still lived here, her scent wafted through the mansion in abundance,

However Kelevi could also tell his beloved had not been back here in a while, perhaps a few days at the very least.

Kelevi found himself eager, he wanted to track down this heady scent and find his beloved and claim her the very same minute so she never left his sight again,

A craving that had grown over the course of three millennials, how could Kelevi control his intense need and desire for his beloved?

And yet Kelevi knew he would have to thread cautiously, one thing was clear... his beloved was human and so he would have to take things a step at a time so he did not end up scaring her off.

And so Kelevi grabbed the first thing within his sight with the highest concentration of that alluring scent and then vanished from sight.

Now outside the mansion, Kelevi stared back at his beloved's home whilst mentally reminding himself to be patient and await her return, he had already waited three millennials... surely a few more days was nothing.

Kelevi retreated back the way he had come, however a few steps away from his beloved's mansion, a sign post caught his eye and Kelevi came to a halt.

The sign post was erected right at the front of another beautiful mansion, this mansion was the exact replica of that of his beloved's and even standing side by side to it.

Kelevi glanced up at the mansion and could see the window to the master bedroom of both mansions were adjacent to each other, and as Kelevi's gaze moved back to the sign post, his lips stretched into a seductive smile.

Upon the sign post, written clearly in bold letterings were two words: FOR SALE


"Code blue! Code blue!"

Kaylani had barely taken a seat in the resting area when the hospital speaker blared the familiar wordings signifying a new emergency.

Kaylani sighed as she took a sip of the warm milk in her hand, the emergency announcement had not come from any of her patient wards and so she was not in the position to attend to it.

However the loud blaring of the speaker resonated through the quiet resting area and Kaylani could hear the sounds of running feet as the doctors in charge hurried to attend to the emergency.

As a doctor in the Intensive Care Unit of Evercrest Central Hospital, days like this were the norm for Kaylani.

It was only late morning and Kaylani had already attended to one morning emergency after working the night shift of the previous day and yet the hospital was still as busy as ever.

This was expected of the largest and most equipped hospital in the massive city of Evercrest and after the trying days of her internship, Kaylani had already grown accustomed to it.

Actually it had not been that difficult to get acquainted with the ever busy hospital duties, at least not for Kaylani,

Most doctors would admit the brutal experience in medical school was the beginnings of preparation towards the reality of the life of a surgeon,

However for Kaylani, she had begun preparing herself long before, from the very moment she had decided to take this career path.

Despite that, there was only so much stress the human body could take and after working an eight hour night shift and performing a surgical procedure that carried on into the early hours of the morning, suffice to say Kaylani was completely drained.

"You should go home, you have this huge mansion all to yourself that anyone else would be dying for and yet you choose to camp out here... I don't know if you are overly professional or just plain stupid."

Kaylani passed a bored glance over at her surgical assistant Yohan who was already crashed down on the lower bunk of their shared resting room, looking as though he would pass out any moment.

"My apartment is an hour's drive from the hospital, I'll leave when I'm sure I won't be called in for anymore emergencies... besides, you still have to run tonight's shift and you already look like the dead." Kaylani pointed out,

Yohan jerked up in horror at Kaylani's reminder that he still had a nightshift to run since he had bailed out on his shift a few nights before and had another assistant surgeon cover for him.

Yohan would now have to cover the shift of the assistant surgeon who had helped him out and the shift was scheduled for this night.

"How can it be on Friday night?!" Yohan lamented in a devastated tone.

"Not only that, the shift is with Doctor Ian." Kaylani added,

Doctor Ian was another surgeon of the ICU and was considered the most difficult Doctor to work with in the entire hospital.

Firstly because he had a strange accent that made it difficult to hear his instructions clearly and secondly, Doctor Ian absolutely detested repeating himself.

The interns, residents and assistant surgeons under him lamented daily as they were caught between asking him to relay every information multiple times to clearly understand him and the wrath they would face whenever he had to repeat himself.

"I'm dead." Yohan muttered in devastation, collapsing down to the bed.

"That's what happens when you mess with the shifts, you left me working with an assistant surgeon who you know has been making passes at me and now I get to watch you working with 'Doctor Ian the terrible', Karma's really outdoing herself recently and I just love to see it." Kaylani chuckled evilly, delighted at Yohan's situation.

"You are a horrible person." Yohan huffed out before his eyes quickly turned wide and pleading, a look he knew Kaylani had never been able to ignore right from their days in medical school.

"Lannnni...Lani... please help me out... just this once, I have a date tonight with the pretty nurse from pediatrics, you know I've been on her case for seven full months and she finally agreed to go out with me... I can't miss this date, I'll jump off a bridge if I do!" Yohan swore fervently.

"The first mainland bridge is about 300 yards from here, the fall is not so high but the currents below are enough to grant the death you seek, good luck." Kaylani replied in an unfazed tone, quickly turning her face away from Yohan's award winning pouty face.

" can't really be okay with the idea of me dying! Come on... you'll be in the hospital tonight anyways, I swear I'd be back after the date and you can go home before dawn." Yohan pleaded desperately,

"You are actually willing to risk your job over a date? Isn't that unreasonable?" Kaylani asked in bafflement,

"Well one of us has to get married somehow! Besides you're still so young, you're already a full fledged surgeon at 21, and you have a boyfriend who loves you more than anything..."

"I'm turning 28 this year Lani and I'm tired of eating fast food, I need a woman in my life..." Yohan sobbed out dramatically, smirking when Kaylani's lips twitched slightly in amusement.

"Pediatrics may not be as busy as the ICU but it's still busy enough for me to know that the pretty nurse of yours also survives on fast food, you'd both just end up a couple eating fast food." Kaylani stated in amusement,

"We'll work it out...but Lani, you're the only one I have who can deal with Doctor Ian. Besides after the surgery last night, knowing you... you'd be in the hospital tonight also till the patient is stabilized, why not just help a soul?" Yohan continued his shameless pleading.

Kaylani shook her head as she stared at Yohan's large watery eyes, she wondered not for the first time how such a dramatic person had become a medical doctor,

However Kaylani had known Yohan long enough to know he was a medical genius and excellent at his job, it was the only reason why she indulged him most times.

"Fine, I don't have a shift till Monday anyways. I'll go home first and return for the night shift, tell Doctor Ian I'll split his rounds with him in exchange for letting you off tonight and to make sure he stays out of my sight." Kaylani gave in, rolling her eyes and side stepping Yohan as he dived towards her for a hug.

"Just for today, if this relationship kicks off... I won't be responsible for covering up for your escapades." Kaylani added in a serious tone as she grabbed her bag and headed out.