Boundaries (Ch.3)

"I'm telling you, the mansion next door to yours got bought off by some billionaire some nights ago!" A voice exclaimed in insistence,

Kaylani leaned her phone away from her ears as the loud voice of her childhood friend Summer blared out through her phone speakers.

"I can hear you just fine Sums, you don't need to shout." Kaylani murmured in exhaustion as she turned her car, driving down the streets of the Evercrest city.

"Girl, you sound like a train just ran over you! Tell me your shifts are over for the week?" Summer asked in a concerned tone and Kaylani shrugged.

"One more tonight." Kaylani replied.

"You're covering for Yohan aren't you? Lani! Could you stop babysitting that grown ass jerk?! He's almost thirty for god's sake! And that's seven years older than you are!" Summer began her yelling again.

"You said it yourself Summer, a train just ran over me, tone it down would you? I have a killer headache and you're not helping." Kaylani replied with a tired sigh.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I just don't understand how you can stand that guy!" Summer exclaimed in bafflement.

"That's because I never dated and broke up with him a hundred times and I have no idea he keeps his dirty underwear lying all around his home. We both know that's the true reason you detest Yohan so much, lover girl." Kaylani replied in amusement.

"Urrrgh! If I didn't love you so much, I'd literally never speak to you again!" Summer yelled furiously,

Kaylani chuckled quietly at Summer's reaction, Summer and Yohan had dated on and off all through University and internship days,

And although they had broken up more times than Kaylani could count, it was clear both parties would never truly get over each other.

"If you get rid of me now, there'll be no one to tell you about how Yohan's going on a date with a pretty nurse tonight and if you don't get your shit together and makeup over a night of passion, you might loose him to a pair of large doe eyes." Kaylani pointed out.

"Yohan is a sucker for doe eyes you know? I mean you should know, you have those cute doe eyes too and you got him chasing you all around from sunrise to sundown...till you dumped him." Kaylani added with a smirk.

"How can you even be on his side?! I am your best friend!" Summer exclaimed in disbelief.

"You are and that's why I'll only admit to you that Yohan is one hell of a catch love, and he's still hung up on you. So much so that he ruins all his dates himself and blames it on the other person." Kaylani said with a shake of her head,

She recalled how Yohan had dated the radiologist for two days before dumping her for staying up all night just to stare at him.

Kaylani felt the poor girl was merely in love, but according to Yohan, it was completely off-putting and he felt as though she was staring right into his was complete bullshit in short.

"That's just what he deserves! I hope he never gets a decent date and ends up single till he's fucking old and grey!" Summer swore,

"So I'll take that to mean you don't want my help to get you guys back together while making you look cool and not letting on that you've been wasting away as much as he has?" Kaylani asked for clarification purposes.

"Girl!" Summer yelled again and Kaylani heaved a sigh,

"I know you dumped your boyfriend for getting you coffee instead of tea..." Kaylani added for good measure and Summer gasped.

"He called you?!" Summer exclaimed.

"Yes Sums, crying for the entire hour and a half. Which brings me to... never give your dates my number, especially if you're gonna dump them." Kaylani warned sternly,

"I hate you." Summer huffed out in defeat.

"And I love you, which is why I'm going to work out a way to get you admitted into the ICU on Monday and have Yohan running over to you..."

"It's outrageous even saying it but having a friend like you? It's either this or you bring up an even more outrageous idea." Kaylani decided with a shake of her head.

"Then can you make it seem like I'm dying? A terminal illness or something? I want him to have a mini heart attack!" Summer suggested evilly, her tone extremely delighted.

"Don't push it..." Kaylani warned.

"Okay, okay fine... moving right back onto your new neighbor. Rumors have it he's a real hottie, like dripping with godlike sexiness level of hotness yet he hardly ever steps out of home!" Summer whisper yelled in excitement,

"How do you even know more about my estate than I do? You don't even live here." Kaylani asked in bafflement.

"That's because I crash out at your place often... before you go off on me, I know you enough not to touch anything other than my room and the fridge." Summer admitted, quickly defending herself before Kaylani could speak.

"As long as you know." Kaylani replied, questioning her judgement for ever giving Summer her own room in her mansion.

"So, what do you think?" Summer asked in a suggestive tone,

Kaylani scoffed beneath her breath, turning a corner, she drove down the street leading to her estate, sparing a brief glance at the dark mansion right beside hers.

"Nothing Summer, I don't think anything of it. I don't care if there's a new hottie neighbor and I surely am not going on any crazy escapade going through your head right now. I have Damon and I love him." Kaylani reminded.

"How's the sex? You never talk about it, which could only mean it's lame." Summer deadpanned,

Kaylani broke into a coughing fit, quite nearly choking on her own spit at Summer's forward question.

"Summer! Boundaries please!" Kaylani exclaimed.

"Yeah, whatever. Damon isn't nearly good enough for you and you know it." Summer said begrudgingly, Kaylani chuckled in amusement.

"You never like anyone I date." Kaylani pointed out as she turned her car into her driveway and stepped out, shutting the car door behind her and leaning back against it.

"Well it's because I know just how amazing you are. You're breathtakingly beautiful and gawd that sexy figure! You're an excellent doctor, a genius really. You're rich and yet you never throw your weight around... you're just a darling Lani and Damon is..." Summer trailed off to find the right words,

"Well, he's the typical rich boy, hot, arrogant and a big jerk, although he does love you...he just doesn't make the cut for you, no one does." Summer defended in a serious tone.

"I see you also want me to remain single till I'm fucking old and grey." Kaylani repeated Summer's words from a moment ago.

"I want you to get it on with a haute as hell hunk who isn't so stuck up that his nose is literally stuck in the air... like the angle is literally..." Summer began to rant but Kaylani was quick to cut her off.

"Okay, okay... I get your point. I have to go get changed out of my scrubs, take a shower, have a warm meal and maybe even get a few hours rest in before I have to get back for the night shift." Kaylani said.

"Alright love, get on with it, you do need the rest... I'll give you a call some time later, okay?" Summer asked,

"Yeah, okay." Kaylani replied before hanging up the call.

Kaylani took a deep breath and leaned back against her car, her eyes fluttering closed.

As Kaylani took a moment to inhale the fresh air unadulterated by cleaning chemicals and the other hospital scents, she suddenly had a feeling as though she was being watched.

Kaylani felt her hairs stand on end and her eyes fluttered open, she gazed around her porch before her eyes fixed on the dark mansion right beside her.

"What the...?" Kaylani trailed off in disbelief

Kaylani's brows furrowed, she could have sworn, for a brief moment, her eyes had caught something red and glowing up in the window of the top floor.

Kaylani passed a glance over the house, it was completely dark and it seemed the heater was not in use.

The weather was quite cold and the heater turned off could only mean there was no one home at this moment.

"Okay Lani, you're seeing things now, get a grip." Kaylani said, shaking her head in amusement as she pushed off her car and headed up to her porch.

Kaylani frowned when she saw a little note stuck under her door, she leaned down and picked it up, glancing through it briefly... the note read.

'Hi, I just moved in next door so I guess I'm your new neighbor? See you around...'


Kaylani frowned slightly, shaking her head as she wondered how the new neighbor got over her mini fence and placed the note right outside her door.

"Boundaries people, boundaries..." Kaylani muttered as she tossed the letter into the bin, passing one last glance over at the dark mansion before stepping into her home and shutting the door behind her.

As Kaylani disappeared within her home, up in the dark mansion, a pair of red glowing orbs returned to view.