She's Here (Ch.4)

"She's here."

Kelevi's eyes snapped open as that alluring scent filled his nostrils, Kelevi could feel his undead heart tremble with elation.

Kelevi was on his feet the next moment, storming to the nearest window, he opened the blinds slightly and gazed out just in time to see a car driving into the mansion next door.

"She's here, she really is here." Kelevi whispered to himself as he watched a breathtaking beauty step down from the car.

Kelevi felt himself tremble right from his head down to the tips of his toes as his mind went completely blank and all that was left was just one word.


Kelevi could feel his fangs elongating, his vampire roared fiercely in his head, demanding for him to leap out of the window and claim what was his.

To claim this breathtakingly beautiful woman for whom he had waited centuries longer than he could remember, this woman that was meant to complete him in ways no one else ever would,

This woman whom he had craved and desired for millennials, this woman he had loved all his life even before she came to existence,

This woman that was his fated, his beloved, his queen and the other half of his soul.

Kelevi barely restrained himself from leaping out the window and grabbing this breathtakingly beautiful woman, sinking his fangs into her tender neck and claiming her and then carrying her away to his Empire before she could even realize what was happening.

Had it been a fellow fanged or supernatural, Kelevi would never hesitate for even a moment but this was different... his beloved was no supernatural, she was human.

Kelevi tightened his hands into fists, his extended claws digging into his flesh but Kelevi barely felt the pain as his crazed gaze remained fixed on her.

The breathtakingly beautiful female was leaned back against her car and seemed to be in a conversation with someone else on a device she held up close to her ears.

Kelevi wondered just who she was talking to that made her smile so beautifully? Kelevi released a possessive growl as he concentrated his hearing to listen in on the conversation.

"Well it's because I know just how amazing you are. You're breathtakingly beautiful and gawd that sexy figure! You're an excellent doctor, a genius really. You're rich and yet you never throw your weight around... you're just a darling Lani and Damon is..." The voice coming from the device said.

Kelevi heaved a sigh of relief, the voice was clearly that of a female although Kelevi still found himself greatly dissatisfied by the words of the female.

Of course his beloved was breathtakingly beautiful and had the most desirable figure, but who was that female to comment on it? All that his beloved was all his to have and worship, only his.

And then another thought ran through Kelevi's mind,

'Just who was this Damon they spoke off and what did he have to do with my beloved?' Kelevi wondered.

"Well, he's the typical rich boy, hot, arrogant and a big jerk, although he does love you...he just doesn't make the cut for you, no one does." The voice coming from the phone continued.

Another deep growl was echoed through the quiet mansion as Kelevi's gaze narrowed.

'Who loved who? Who dared?!' Kelevi thought furiously as he decided that much was enough, whoever Damon was, he would have to die.

Kelevi had a second thought about the female speaking through the device, he was satisfied by her insight... certainly no one could make the cut for his beloved, she was his afterall.

Kelevi felt perhaps he could spare the female's life, she had redeemed herself quite well.

"I see you also want me to remain single till I'm fucking old and grey."

Kelevi growled quietly as he heard the soft but firm voice of his beloved for the first time, for a moment his mind conjured up a scene where that voice screamed his name in exctasy from beneath him as he possessed every last inch of her body,

Kelevi felt his mouth go dry as he shook himself back to reality.

'Concentrate... there'll be enough time for that soon.' Kelevi lectured himself sternly as he tuned back in to the conversation.

Kelevi wondered just why his beloved had such ridiculous thoughts, remain single? She already had him, just how was she single?

"I want you to get it on with a haute as hell hunk who isn't so stuck up that his nose is literally stuck in the air... like the angle is literally..." The female voice from the device came again, once again infuriating Kelevi.

Kelevi took back his words, whoever that female was, she did not deserve his mercy, how dare she fill his beloved's mind with such thoughts?!

His beloved would not be getting anything on with anyone that was not him!

"Okay, okay... I get your point. I have to go get changed out of my scrubs, take a shower, have a warm meal and maybe even get a few hours rest in before I have to get back for the night shift."

Kelevi sighed in relief, the sooner his beloved ended the conversation with that female, the more reassured he would feel before she suggested anything even more sacrilegious.

"Alright love, get on with it, you do need the rest... I'll give you a call some time later, okay?" The voice from the device came again.

Kelevi's eyes fluttered closed as he prayed for calm, it took everything in him to overlook that endearment 'love'.

Kelevi shook his head quickly before his rage was stirred, his beloved was his and his alone, he had waited three millennials for her, Kelevi was certain she had waited for him too,

Even if she did not know it herself, even if she was human, even if she never had an inclination that she was mated to King of the Fanged Empire,

The mate bond remained, perhaps she would not feel it as strongly as Kelevi did, perhaps it would not consume her every thought for every single day of her life as it did with Kelevi,

But Kelevi was certain there would always be that feeling that something was missing,

That feeling of incompleteness, that void in her heart that only he could fill and fill he would, till all she could think of was him.

"Yeah okay." Kelevi heard his beloved say.

Kelevi watched her put the device away and his undead heart gave it's most powerful beat in all his existence when she suddenly turned, staring straight back at him.

Kelevi stepped to the side quickly, wondering how she had even noticed his gaze, his heart trembled in ways he did not think possible as he saw her even more clearly now, not just from a side view.

'By heaven's fang, she is beautiful!" Kelevi thought to himself in awe, his throat clogging up as emotions he did not even recognize overwhelmed him.

Kelevi watched as she turned her gaze away, shaking her head slightly as she murmured some words, Kelevi strained his hearing to catch them.

"Okay Lani, you're seeing things now, get a grip."

Kelevi's lips twitched in amusement as he watched his beloved head up to her door.

She immediately caught sight of the note Kelevi had tucked beneath her door and leaned down to pick it up.

Kelevi had taken time to observe the way the people of this realm wrote, as strange and unbearably informal as it was, Kelevi had been able to grasp the basics and drafted up his own note.

Kelevi was momentarily hurt when his beloved tossed the note in the trash like it was nothing, a note he had drafted with much care.

Kelevi then noticed the gaze of his beloved trail up to the fence surrounding her mansion and then he understood.

'The fence is there to keep people out, perhaps I should not have gone over...' Kelevi thought to himself, before he quickly shook his head.

'Well people are people and she is my beloved.' Kelevi assured himself as an afterthought.

"Boundaries people, boundaries."

Kelevi heard his beloved murmur, Kelevi chuckled quietly.

"Lani... I have waited three millennials for you, there is no boundary strong enough to keep me away..." Kelevi murmured quietly, his lips stretching into a predatory grin.


Kelevi watched his beloved head out of her mansion, getting into her car, she drove off into the night.

Kelevi calmed himself, now that he had laid eyes on her, there was no hurry...they had an eternity ahead of them, he would take it a step at a time.

Kelevi had spent the entire day watching at his beloved's window, although the blinds were shut and Kelevi could not see her, he could hear her movements within and his mind filled in the blanks.

He could hear the ruffling of clothes as she took them off, he could hear the sound of the running shower as she washed up, he could hear the pitter patter of her small feet as she stepped out of the washroom.

He could hear her getting into bed but Kelevi did not hear the ruffling of clothing as he did from before and so he knew she had gone to bed bare or only in her undergarments.

At this point, Kelevi's control had only been hanging by an extremely thin thread as his mind conjured up various scenarios, stirring up his arousal but somehow he had managed to pull through.

He also heard her breathing even out merely a moment after she got into bed, Kelevi could see his beloved was clearly exhausted as she had fallen asleep in a heartbeat.

Kelevi had been tempted to break into her home and watch her sleep for himself and he had almost given in but he stopped himself knowing if he even caught but a glimpse of her bare skin, he would loose his mind.

A few hours later, Kelevi heard when she awakened, he heard the shuffling of feet as she headed down the stairs, most likely to have a meal.

Kelevi's nose caught a mouthwatering scent some moments later and after, Kelevi heard his beloved move back to her bedroom where she prepared for her night shift.

All of that had led to this very moment when Kelevi watched her car back out of her driveway and down the street.

Kelevi heaved a delighted sigh, he had never had a more satisfying day, however now that his mate was gone, it was time to soothe his natural cravings,

And since in this human realm, there were hardly any pets willing to offer up their blood to their King, Kelevi would have to do something he had not done in a very long time...hunt.