Horror In The Alleyway (Ch.5)

"You are an hour late." Kaylani pointed out, fixing Yohan with a glare the moment he stepped into her office.

Kaylani leaned against her chair, running a hand through her hair in exhaustion while she glowered at Yohan.

"I know..." Yohan began to explain but Kaylani cut him off.

"Save the explanations for some other time, I've got only enough strength left to get myself home." Kaylani said in an exhausted tone as she handed the patient chart over to Yohan.

Kaylani headed into the changing room and quickly changed out of her scrubs before she headed out of the hospital building.


"Damn it!" Kaylani groaned as she stepped out of her car.

The engine of her car had suddenly died out on her without warning and she was already too far from the hospital to head back.

It was quite late into the night and there were hardly any cars driving by at this time and the small drizzle of rain added to Kaylani's frustrations.

Kaylani rounded over to the front of her car and lifted the bonnet,

The bolts and engines looked intact to Kaylani and she could not tell exactly what was wrong, Kaylani had never been good with machinery and so she didn't dare make any adjustments for fear of worsening the situation.

Kaylani groaned in annoyance, pulling out her phone to call up Damon, she noticed her phone was out of signal and she heaved a frustrated sigh, tucking it back into her jacket pocket.

Kaylani glanced around, according to her calculations, the nearest shopping mart to where she currently stood was merely a little ways off from her estate and so Kaylani guessed her only option was to head straight home.

Kaylani sighed as she pulled open her car and grabbed her bag, she searched for an umbrella in her car but came up empty handed.

Kaylani then pulled her coat tighter around her form and broke into a jog.

The rain drizzled down at an even faster rate and soon, Kaylani's hair and clothing were drenched.

Kaylani did not really mind the rain, all she craved was the warmth of her bed where she could crash down and sleep away the entire weekend she had off work.

The streets were quiet and Kaylani doubled her pace but the exhaustion tugging at her muscles made her pace awfully slow.

It was then Kaylani's eyes picked out a certain dark alleyway.

Although she had never gone down that path before since she almost always drove home from work, Kaylani had heard from Summer that it led directly to her estate and shortened the walk by almost half the time.

Kaylani sighed, the rain had begun beating down heavily and it would graduate to a downpour at any moment and the flashes of lightening tearing through the sky were not at all encouraging.

As much as Kaylani did not mind the rain, she had never favored the idea of falling ill, perhaps because she saw too much of ill health daily that the idea of being a patient herself horrified her.

The rain was awfully cold and Kaylani's coat did not do much to protect her from the chill and there was still quite a distance from where she stood, up to her estate if she continued down the main road.

Although the main road was a safer option, it was still late in the night and lonely, there were hardly any passers-by, only cars driving past at great speed.

It was out of Kaylani's nature, but this time, between a safer option and a faster option, Kaylani ultimately settled for the latter.

Kaylani changed her direction and headed into the dark alleyway.

Kaylani heard her phone ring and she pulled it out of her pocket, her screen lighting up with a name that brought a smile to her lips despite her predicament.

"Hey love, I've been calling for hours, your line just wouldn't go through, you have me really worried." Damon's rich baritone sounded through Kaylani's phone,

Kaylani pouted slightly at how comfortable and excited he sounded whereas she was exhausted and in a hell of a situation.

However she was glad the signal had returned, at least with Damon on the line, she did not feel as bad as she did merely a moment ago.

"Hi D... sorry, covered a shift for Yohan and just got off about half an hour ago, I didn't mention it because I thought you would be busy with work." Kaylani replied in a pitiful tone.

Damon was currently out of town for a business trip and would not be back till the following week.

"What's up? Are you okay? What's that sound? Don't tell me you're out in the rain?!" Damon asked in a worried tone,

Kaylani smiled at his concern for her, she had always loved how much Damon cared for her even when she had insisted multiple times that she did not need to be babied.

"My car died on me halfway home and now I have to walk the rest of the way home and yes, it's raining over here." Kaylani replied with a sigh as she pulled her coat tighter around herself.

"God's Kay! You could get sick! Where are you right now? I'll send someone over to pick you up." Damon said immediately,

"Walking down some dark alleyway..." Kaylani replied, laughing at Damon's gasp of horror.

"What?!" Damon exclaimed and Kaylani laughed harder.

"It's fine D, I'm almost through the alleyway and ill be home soon." Kaylani assured.

"Besides, isn't it like 9am over there? Thought you had meetings scheduled every morning." Kaylani reminded,

Kaylani heard Damon's worried sigh but he relented at her assurance.

"Yes, I do have a meeting in an hour. Alright love, just be safe okay? Give me a call as soon as you get home and dress warm, we don't want you getting sick." Damon fussed,

"Sir, yes sir." Kaylani replied jokingly, Damon chuckled quietly in response.

"Urrrggh, I miss you Doc." Damon lamented in a pitiful tone,

"I miss you too D, just handle your business and get home soon, okay?" Kaylani replied with a smile.

"I will, love you." Damon said and blew Kaylani a kiss before the phone line went off.

Kaylani rolled her eyes at his antics as she continued on her way, she was relieved to realize she was almost completely through the alley.

After walking for a few more minutes, Kaylani arrived at where the alleyway branched off into two paths.

Kaylani knew the path she was to take was the path on the left but for a moment, Kaylani spared a glance over at the path on the right and Kaylani was greeted by a horrifying sight.

Right there in the darkness of the alleyway was a man lifted off his feet, dangling some inches off the ground as some other man looked to be biting into his neck.

A sharp metallic scent invaded Kaylani's nostrils, as a doctor who had dealt with patients for years, Kaylani could recognized the scent of blood anywhere.

Kaylani's eyes squinted, unsure if she was hallucinating, but Kaylani had always had keen eyesight even in the dark and a closer look revealed blood dripping down the neck of the dangling man.

With horror, Kaylani realized that the other man seemed to have his teeth pierced into the skin of the dangling man and as absurd as it sounded even in Kaylani's head,

The man or creature or whatever it was hungrily gulped down the blood of the dangling man.

Kaylani felt the cold chill of terror run down her spine as she lifted a hand to her mouth to hold back her scream, her phone clattering to the ground in her panic.

The sound of her phone hitting the ground alerted the creature to Kaylani's presence and as a pair of glowing red orbs turned on her, blood dripping out it's parted lips and sharp white fangs that glinted even in the dark,

Kaylani was gripped with what could only be described as pure terror, her heart hammered violently against her ribcage as her eyes took in a creature that should only have existed in the pages of supernatural tales,

Kaylani had read enough of them to know what this was...

'A vampire!' Kaylani thought in horror,

In the blink of an eye, Kaylani turned on her feet and darted away as fast as her legs could carry her.