A Target (Ch.6)

The loud music blaring from the speakers and the multi colored lights irritated Kelevi's sensitive senses as he walked into the lively night club.

Kelevi frowned slightly at the pungent smell of alcohol, sweat and sex that clogged the air and he shook his head at the usual over indulgence of the human race.

Kelevi had never understood how some humans could be so comfortable with loosing their sense of awareness to alcohol and those strange smelling substances they consumed when they were clearly the most fragile species in existence.

They seemed so comfortable partying and indulging the excitements of the high life, completely unaware to the creatures lurking in the dark, mingling amongst them,

Creatures like Kelevi himself and the other supernatural creatures whose scent trails Kelevi could pickup as they prowled around,

Perhaps having the same purpose as Kelevi or perhaps having other purposes of their own,

It had been far too long since Kelevi had come out to the mortal realm, he had not expected to find so many of his kind now walked the mortal realm, delighting in the pleasures of mortal life.

Kelevi shook his head slightly, it was no matter to him, the mortal realm was not off limits to the supernatural species, so long as they refrained from wrecking havoc.

Although, knowing the volatility of the supernatural species, Kelevi knew that was too much to ask.

Kelevi had always known some clans of his Fanged Empire resided in the mortal realm and so catching one or two vampire scents did not bother him,

Kelevi could also pick up the scent of wolf and then that pungent scent of sex and body fluids which he knew belonged to a Werewolf and a succubus demon.

The mortal world had truly become congested with all kinds of supernatural species in the time Kelevi had not been here and Kelevi wondered just why the supernatural creatures could not be content to remain within the boundaries of their realm.

But then again, Kelevi guessed his thoughts were hypocritical, he had also left the boundaries of the Fanged Empire and Kelevi admitted to the fact that save for the constant irritation of his sensitive senses, the mortal realm was not so bad.

In fact, Kelevi found there was a certain allure to it, perhaps it lay in the innocence of majority of this race or perhaps it was owed to the thrill that they were ignorant to the dangers that lurked around them.

Kelevi guessed those were the case for the other supernatural creatures, but for him, the allure of the mortal realm lay in a certain black haired beauty with a pair of enchanting silver orbs,

His beloved, his fated mate, his Queen Kaylani...

Just thinking of her like this filled Kelevi's heart with warmth and adoration, and a small smile found it's way to Kelevi's lips.

Kelevi's eyes snapped up when he sensed the approach of one of his kin that lurked the club, the other supernatural creatures seemed to have finally picked up on Kelevi's aura,

Kelevi was not surprised it had taken them so long, Kelevi's senses had always been far more heightened than a regular supernatural creature and he had had centuries of existence to hone them too,

Whilst Kelevi had already known exactly how many and exactly what specie of supernatural creatures were within this club, the supernatural creatures had only now picked up on Kelevi's presence.

While the werewolf and the Succubus retreated after sensing the presence of a high ranked vampire, the vampire's present approached Kelevi.

Kelevi sensed there was three of them and they approached from three different directions and soon, they were within sight.

"My King." The first vampire greeted in a low tone as he reached Kelevi's side, Kelevi hummed in response as the other two vampires also arrived.

Amongst the three of them, two were mid ranked true blooded vampires while the other had been turned.

Kelevi's eyes snapped up to the turned vampire and the vampire immediately retreated in terror at Kelevi's fierce glare, lowering his head in submission

"Who is your sire?" Kelevi asked in a deadly tone,

Kelevi still recalled the pressing situation of mortals being turned by stray true blooded vampires, littering the realms with blood thirsty half bloods that were out of control and constantly bringing trouble to the Fanged Empire.

Only high ranked true blooded vampires were allowed to sire other vampires, the only exception for other ranks was in the case where they sired their fated mate which the laws of the Fanged Empire made allowance for.

This was because half blooded vampires simply could not control their blood lust without the aid of a worthy sire,

Whenever a vampire turned another and became his sire, both vampires were connected by a bond and the true blooded vampire who had sired the other could directly restrain the blood lust of the vampire he turned.

This was the only method through which newly turned vampires were kept under control from going on blood rampages till they had mastered self control and could be left to themselves.

However the bond between a vampire and whoever they turned was extremely powerful because it allowed you control the will and thoughts of the vampire turned by you,

Each bond was tasking on the mind and was too powerful for a mid ranked or low ranked vampire to hold,

Hence they would not be able to sufficiently control the vampire they sired, leaving room for the one thing Kelevi could not tolerate... mistakes.

This was why only high ranked vampires were allowed to sire other vampires and even then, the process had to be done for a concrete reason and personally authorized by Kelevi or his second in command.

Recently, a few radical true blooded vampires had been going around, disobeying the laws and turning mortals in dozens,

Kelevi was greatly angered by this and had left orders for his second in command to personally investigate the situation and annihilate all those involved.

"Lord...Lord Terin, My King." The turned vampire stuttered out in a terrified tone.

Kelevi recognized the name, Lord Terin was a good friend of his and his most trusted subordinate in the mortal realm.

He Lorded over of one of the vampire clans in the mortal realm.

"You do not smell like him." Kelevi stated in a matter of fact tone,

Although he recalled Lord Terin had indeed sired a newly turned vampire in recent years, he had received report of this and due process had been followed to authorize it.

However this turned vampire only bore the slightest traces of Lord Terin's scent when he should have scented almost completely like Lord Terin since he was sired by his blood.

"I...I found my mate, a Werewolf...his mark changed my scent." The turned vampire explained.

'So that is why the Werewolf is still lurking about in the shadows.' Kelevi thought,

Kelevi had noticed the succubus had taken her leave in fear at Kelevi's arrival but the Werewolf had stayed behind, although maintaining a good distance and Kelevi now understood it was because he could not leave without his mate.

"Good then, you may return to your mate." Kelevi permitted.

The turned vampire bowed low again before he scurried off, leaving the other two behind.

"We are also of Lord Terin's clan, we sensed the presence of a succubus in our territory and were dispatched to investigate it." One of the mid ranked vampire reported.

"Your target has gotten a head start, you may go about your duties." Kelevi permitted, the mid ranked vampires bowed and took their leave.

Kelevi gazed around, the mortals had not taken notice of the exchange that had just happened at all,

And even if they had, most were too drunk to find it strange that three males would randomly bow so low to Kelevi repeatedly,

Kelevi shook his head slightly, the bliss of mortal ignorance was truly endearing.

As Kelevi's eyes scanned the crowd of gyrating bodies moving to the beat of the blaring music, his fangs elongated slightly and his gaze darkened.

He had gone far too long without consuming blood, Kelevi knew if he allowed it any longer, he would end up in a blood haze.

Kelevi grazed his tongue over his fangs as his eyes moved and finally, they settled on a suitable candidate.

Kelevi had a policy, other than pets who offered up their blood to him voluntarily, Kelevi never consumed the blood of an innocent mortal during a hunt.

However for those black hearted mortals with impure intentions, Kelevi did not see any reasons to be merciful.

And so when Kelevi noticed the young male in his early thirties wiggle his way through the crowd of drunk clubbers, his eyes set on a lone female at the other side of the club, Kelevi knew he had found his target.

From the gaze in the eyes of the male, Kelevi could see he held impure intentions.

Kelevi watched as the male came up behind the drunk female, passing a hand around her waist, he pressed up against her, ignoring the female's struggles and began grinding into the female,

Kelevi frowned slightly, the female was clearly young and beneath all that heavy makeup caked on her face to mislead others of her actual age,

Kelevi could see this female was certainly underage, nothing more than fifteen summers and Kelevi was certain this young male knew it too and intended to take advantage of it.

The underage female was clearly too drunk to struggle against the young male for long and soon gave up, slumping against him.

Not long after, the young male guided the drunk female away from the crowd and out the back exit of the club.

Kelevi shook his head slightly as he ordered himself a glass of vodka, downing the burning liquid in one gulp, he placed down the cup and rose to his feet, heading towards the back exit of the club.