Frustrated (Ch.9)

Kelevi stared down at the puddle of water that had formed from the rain, his reflection staring right back at him.

It had been a little over an hour since the encounter with his beloved and after healing the prey's wound and wiping his memory,

Kelevi had used the compelling magic again, sending him off to turn himself over to the appropriate law enforcement for the crime he had attempted,

After that, Kelevi still had not left the alleyway, he simply could not bring himself to take even a step,

He stood leaning against a wall as the rain pelted down on him, the rain had washed away most of the blood which had been stuck on his skin and had sprayed over his face,

Yet Kelevi could still scent the traces of blood that had stained deep into his clothing,

His claws had long receded and his blood haze was over, the moment his beloved had caught him in such a scene, reality had crashed down heavily into Kelevi.

It was not as though Kelevi was ashamed of who he was... what he was,

Kelevi was the pride of the Fanged, a honorable King and revered leader,

The existence of the supernatural species was a reality that could never be changed, each race had every right to existence as the other did,

Yet Kelevi knew mortals well enough to know that what they did not understand...they feared.

Kelevi admitted he was a man to be feared, he was cold, ruthless, heartless and bloodthirsty, the final two being a literal description of himself,

Yet to his beloved, he had never wanted to be seen as these things, he had wanted to be seen for who he was, he had wanted her to fall in love with the real him, the soul that belonged to her.

Kelevi had known in time, he would have to tell her the truth of what he was, he could not keep it forever,

Eventually, his time in the mortal realm would be up and he would need to return to the Empire of the Fanged,

When that time came, Kelevi had hoped to be able to take his Queen back with him, so she may claim her well deserved position at his side,

So he could shower her with his love and affection for all eternity,

Yet Kelevi had not wanted for her to find out this way, to see him in such a horrifying light.

Kelevi could not even begin to imagine what his beloved thought of him at this very moment,

He could not begin to imagine how terrified she must be, of the nightmares this experience would leave her with,

Kelevi wanted to go to her, it had taken everything in him not to run after her and plead for another chance, a chance to prove that he was worthy of her,

That all he wanted was to love and cherish her, never to hurt her, that though he was not of her race, he was not a monster.

Kelevi however knew going after her at this moment would only make things worse, she would be too horrified to even withstand the sight of him.

"Creator's fang!" Kelevi exclaimed in frustration, running a hand through his hair as he tilted his head up, welcoming the slight sting as the rain drops pelted down on his face.

Kelevi could not believe he could let himself get so carried away in his blood haze that he had not noticed her approach at all,

He could not believe he had let himself go so completely and had ended up showing his beloved the most horrifying side of himself before she could even come to know his name,

He could not believe he was standing here at this moment, at a loss on what to do and beating himself up when his beloved could be out there,

Trembling in fear and terror, terror he had caused with his own hands, simply because he could not control his own urges.

Kelevi did not know what step to take next, he did not even know what to think, his head was a mess of various thoughts, the only sane thought being he had to make up to his beloved for this somehow,

Kelevi's nose twitched slightly as he picked up a familiar scent, he remained in his position, not at all fazed when a familiar presence arrived before him, lowering himself to a knee and bowing low.

"Greetings My King." The dashing young man kneeling before Kelevi said in a humble tone.

"Lord Terin." Kelevi said without sparing his new company a glance.

This young man was Lord Terin of the Blood Claw Clan, the most powerful of the seven vampire clans in the mortal realm and an old friend of Kelevi's.

"Your subordinate is at your service My King, forgive my delayed arrival. My kin reports you are out on a hunt and I did not dare interrupt till the hunt was over."

" We were only informed of your presence in the mortal realm at the last minute." Lord Terin apologized.

"It is no matter, I ordered for it to be so." Kelevi replied in a lazy drawl.

"Joyous news reached my hearing, the blood moon returns, My King is here to find the Queen, yes?" Lord Terin asked in an elated tone.

"The clans will spare no efforts to aid you in your quest My King." Lord Terin vowed, not at all fazed by Kelevi's lack of response.

"There will be no need...I already found My Queen." Kelevi murmured.

"Truly?! That is great news my friend!" Lord Terin exclaimed, rising to his feet, a large smile on his lips.

Lord Terin's brow furrowed at Kelevi's lack of excitement and it was only then he let his gaze wander around Kelevi's surrounding.

Lord Terin's gaze settled on the phone that had been dropped when Kaylani fled and he walked up to it, picking it up.

"Someone was here...other than the prey..." Lord Terin stated, right before his eyes widened in panic.

"Don't tell me...the Queen?" Lord Terin asked in horror.

Kelevi grunted, running a hand through his hair.

"Did she...well...see?" Lord Terin asked in apprehension,

Kelevi finally spared his old friend a blank gaze, there was no need for words, his gaze said it all.

"Oh shit!" Lord Terin exclaimed, shaking his head in disbelief.