A Restless Sleep (Ch.12)

"My King... what is your plan?" Lord Terin asked Kelevi as he headed out of the Blood Claw Palace.

"None...my blood haze is over, it is time to go home to my beloved." Kelevi replied with a casual shrug.

"But...to show up before her after the events from last night, considering she is a mortal..." Lord Terin trailed off for fear of incurring Kelevi's wrath if he spoke out of turn.

"I understand your concerns, I will not show up before her until I have a concrete plan. But I have to see her, I cannot wait another second. I will watch from next door." Kelevi decided,

"Next door?... Don't tell me..." Lord Terin gasped,

"That I bought the mansion next door to my beloved's home? I won't tell you then." Kelevi replied as he strode ahead.

"But that's just being plain creepy!" Lord Terin called out to Kelevi,

Kelevi passed his subordinate a withering glare over his shadow before he darted off into the night.

It didn't take Kelevi all that long to arrive at the estate from the Blood Claw Palace, although the Blood Claw Palace itself existed in an inter dimensional space through an old church cathedral in the middle of the city,

Only the Fanged could access the portal leading into the Blood Claw Palace, whilst mortals who ventured in would only see an old cathedral and nothing else.

Kelevi sighed as he stared up at his beloved's home, he first took notice of the fact that all the blinds to every window were shut and Kelevi's heart constricted painfully as he wondered just how terrified she must be.

Kelevi recalled Lord Terin's warning, that he could not show up before her just like that, yet Kelevi could not restrain himself as he leaped over her fence and dismantled her security system.

Kelevi pulled open the door to his beloved's mansion, his red orbs roving over the unusual disarray as her bag had been overturned and it's contents scattered everywhere,

Kelevi knew this was unlike his beloved whom he had found was a very orderly person, which only served as proof of how terrified she was,

Kelevi listened for her breathing, relieved to see it had evened out,

Kelevi knew she had now drifted off to sleep and as wrong as he knew this was, his heart could not rest easy until he saw her for himself.

Kelevi ventured up to her room, he already knew just where it was and so he soon arrived at her door, unlatching the lock and stepping in.

Kelevi's eyes immediately settled on the small, fragile beauty curled up on her bed, her hair splayed out on her pillow and Kelevi felt a tender feeling overcome his heart as he walked up to stand beside her.

She groaned quietly as though unconsciously noticing his presence, turning over till her face was in full view to Kelevi.

'Creator's fang!' Kelevi thought to himself as he marvelled in complete awe at the beauty of his beloved,

With lush black hair and the softest features, nuzzling her cheek into her pillow, she was the most beautiful existence Kelevi had ever had the pleasure of setting his eyes on.

And what was even more unbelievable to Kelevi was the fact that this unearthly beauty was his...his beloved, his mate.

And in this moment, Kelevi swore that every painful, torturous century he had waited in loneliness and longing had all been worthwhile...

"I love you Lani...I have loved you for thousands of years and I will love you for eternity." Kelevi murmured quietly as he forced himself to retreat before she would be awakened to his presence.


Kaylani's eyes fluttered open and she released a quiet groan, feeling as though she had not even gotten any sleep at all,

It took Kaylani a moment to recall the events from the previous night and she heaved a sigh, unable to decide of it had all been just a dream or she truly had encountered a creature of myth.

Whatever it was, Kaylani was glad it was all over now, the terror from the previous night had led her into a restless sleep, ridden with nightmares and now Kaylani was just completely exhausted.

Kaylani sighed as she headed into her washroom and took a quick shower, getting ready for the day.

She soon emerged from her washroom and pulled on a pair of jean and a casual sweater after which she pulled her hair up into a pony tail.

Kaylani then grabbed her credit card and headed out of her room, down the stairs and into her kitchen where she grabbed an apple and a bottle of water from the fridge.

In a short while, Kaylani was heading out of her mansion and into the street, with her car out of commission, she would need to take the long walk out the estate before she could hail a cab that would get her to the mall.

As Kaylani walked slowly down the path, she again felt that strange, unsettling feeling as though she was being watched and Kaylani passed a glance to the mansion right beside her.

As usual, it still looked entirely uninhabited, but Summer was positive someone had moved in and the lack of the 'For Sale' sign attested to that as well.

Kaylani wondered if someone could actually live in such a way that it would seem as though they were not even there and then she glanced over to her own mansion and decided, she was not in any position to talk about others.

Kaylani shook her head in amusement, the cool morning breeze against her skin had calmed Kaylani in a way that not even hours worth of sleep had been able to achieve,

A small smile settled on Kaylani's lips as she decided whatever had happened the previous night would stay right there, she would never let it haunt her daily life.

With more confident steps, Kaylani continued on her way to exit the estate, but of course... how could Kaylani know she was not being overly sensitive?

How could she know there indeed was a pair of glowing red eyes, up in the dark mansion, trailing her up until she disappeared around the corner...