Who's At The Door? (Ch.13)


Kaylani glanced up at the sound of her doorbell, frowning slightly as she wondered who exactly it could be at this time of the day.

It was just a little past noon on a Saturday and after the horrifying nightmare from the previous night and a short run out to pick up a new phone and get her car taken out to be worked on,

Kaylani had returned home feeling much better and had decided to spend her day in peace and tranquility,

She had planned to catch up on all the rest she had missed and make up for the many sleepless nights she had endured from unending shifts at the hospital.

Kaylani had made no plans with anyone and she most certainly was not expecting anyone today as both Summer and Yohan would be at work.

And Kaylani was certain Damon had not returned from his business trip, her parents were in a whole other state entirely and she barely had associations with anyone else in Evercrest City,

Save for a few close friends who all had daily lives as busy as hers and were not the kind to come visiting without giving a heads up.

Kaylani heaved a sigh as she glanced down at the sketch pad she had been doodling on for the past hour, her mind had been in a state of calm and she was not even certain what she had been drawing.

As Kaylani's eyes took in the sketch she had just drawn, her eyes widened in horror as she tossed the sketch book away in panic, jumping backwards.

"What the?!" Kaylani exclaimed as she took in the sketch of a silhouette of a man standing before a door,

What horrified Kaylani was the fact that the only distinct feature of this silhouette of a man was a pair of blood red eyes.

Kaylani sucked in a deep breath to calm her racing heart as she took a cautious step closer to the sketch pad, picking it up and taking a closer look.

Kaylani frowned as she took in the structure of the door in the sketch and realized it looked suspiciously like the very entrance door to her own home,

Kaylani let her gaze move between the sketch and the door, once and then twice, her heart heavy with unease,

'What is this? Why did I sketch something like this? And the scenery is my own yard?' Kaylani wondered.


The sound of Kaylani's doorbell came again and Kaylani's heart skipped a beat as she recalled someone was still outside her door.

'Calm yourself Lani... don't be paranoid.' Kaylani mentally lectured herself as she placed the sketch pad down and took slow, cautious steps towards her door.

Kaylani arrived at her door, glancing back at the sketch pad before she took a deep breath and reached out to her door knob.

The image of the red eyed creature from the previous night and the red eyed silhouette in her sketch book replayed in Kaylani's mind as she slowly turned the door knob and pulled open the door.