Ride Or Die (Ch.14)

"Lani! What took you so long?" Summer's voice reached Kaylani just as the door swung open.

The familiar voice of her best friend chased away every apprehension that had gripped Kaylani.

'Just what exactly were you thinking Lani?' Kaylani mentally reprimanded herself for her unreasonable paranoia.

Kaylani heaved a sigh of relief as she opened the door wider and stepped to the side so Summer could enter.

Kaylani could not believe she had actually let the events that had most likely just been an overly realistic nightmare or whatever it was to put her in such a state,

She was now even sketching up strange red eyed silhouettes outside her yard and the thought of it was positively unsettling to Kaylani.

'Get your wits together.' Kaylani murmured to herself in a low tone.

"If I was your boyfriend, I'd say you had a man in the house you were trying to hide before getting the door." Summer said in her typical deadpan manner,

"In which case, I'd go like, 'Why would you choose some dead beat dude over my fine ass... like my ass is damn fine and I know it." Summer continued as she sauntered her way to Kaylani's living room like she owned the place.

Kaylani rolled her eyes in amusement as she pushed her door shut and headed back to her living room after Summer.

As Kaylani walked in behind Summer, Summer immediately spun around to face Kaylani with a mischievous grin on her lips.

"So, do you have a man you are hiding up there? Tell me you do." Summer said eagerly,

Kaylani chuckled quietly at Summer's ridiculous antics.

"No Summer, sadly, I do not." Kaylani replied,

"Don't be tagging it 'sadly' just yet, if you do want to, I could link you up."

" You know the last time I pulled you along with me to work, you wouldn't guess just how many of those celebrities I work with are desperate to get it on with you..." Summer suggested, earning herself a withering glare from Kaylani.

"Just a suggestion doll, there's no need to be so uptight about it." Summer said, laughing hysterically at Kaylani's reaction.

"Whatever." Kaylani replied as she flopped down on her couch.

Summer followed suit, tossing her bag and coat aside carelessly, much to Kaylani's annoyance.

"Don't you have a shift at the studio today? How come you have the free time to stop by?" Kaylani asked curiously as she leaned back on the couch.

Summer was a photographer and presently worked at one of the top modelling agencies in the Evercrest City.

Usually, unlike Kaylani's own work schedule, Summer was more free on weekdays as Saturdays were one of her busiest shifts,

On Saturdays, she had to photo-document the entire weekend activity of some music star she worked with, taking photos of every silly thing he got up to on weekends including the R-rated bedroom photos.

"Well my beloved celebrity jetted out to a whole other state with no notice last night and I went up to his home only to be told he'd be away for the next few days." Summer explained.

"Bummer." Kaylani commented sarcastically knowing Summer was not disappointed by it at all.

"Gurl! I get the day off and it's amazing! This is going to be the first time in forever I get to spend a Saturday like a normal person! It's bliss!"

"So to commiserate this special event, I decided, why not drive over and spend my day off with my best friend plotting how I get admitted into the ER and win back the love of my life..." Summer said with a smirk.

"Oh, so we're calling him the love of your life now? A few days ago, we were wishing him to grow old and grey as a single man. Don't you think you change your tone too quickly?" Kaylani pointed out.

"Would you stop cutting me off? That's not the point, besides he's only half of the reason I'm here."

"The other reason is of course to keep my best friend company." Summer said magnanimously,

"Oh... how thoughtful of you, I am beside myself with gratitude." Kaylani said with a low chuckle as she rose to her feet and headed to her kitchen.

"You should be, I always place you first before anyone else. You won't get such treatment anywhere else but with me, it's why I'm your ride or die." Summer boasted shamelessly before she paused slightly.

"I am your ride or die right?" Summer asked for confirmation.

Kaylani scoffed beneath her breath at Summer's question.

"I'd need some time to consider that." Kaylani replied with a shrug.

"Girl, shut up!" Summer giggled.

"So what are your plans for your week off? It's been months since you last took some time off, you can't just waste it by staying home all day for the coming week." Summer said as she followed after Kaylani.

Kaylani was quiet as she tilted her head to the side, unable to respond since Summer's words pretty much summed up all her plans for the week.

"No way girl! I'm not letting you do that, I'm going to plot up an entire schedule for your week and heavens help your soul you don't follow through with it,"

" I'd haunt you in your dreams dancing nude for every night that makes up the rest of this year!" Summer vowed,

Kaylani frowned slightly, horrified by the mere thought of Summer's words.

"Now that's a very horrible picture to put in my head." Kaylani said in an aggrieved tone.

"Horrible how?! I'd have you know those strippers at the VIP clubs ain't got nothing on me! My nude dancing had Yohan drooling all over me for years and he probably still has wet dreams about it!" Summer defended, further horrifying Kaylani.

"Sums... I did not need to know that." Kaylani pointed out in a mortified tone.

"That's what happens when you belittle my bedroom skills and gurl, don't be acting like a saint, Damon can't shut up about how you both..." Summer began.