An Unexpected Visitor (Ch.16)

Kelevi sat in the darkness of his room, meditating, he had been meditating for hours now, ever since he confirmed that his beloved had returned home safely.

Kelevi had pondered over what to do next but for the life of him, he could not come up with any scenario where his beloved would set eyes on him and not fly into a panic.

Kelevi had decided to meditate to calm the unfamiliar feeling of anxiety that had begun creeping up on him,

A strange feeling he had never experienced across three millennials, with his beloved Kaylani, Kelevi realized he would be experiencing so many new and foreign feelings yet he found he was not opposed to it.

Instead, it was mystifying and thrilling, it felt as though for the first time in a long time, he was slowly beginning to come alive.

Kelevi's tranquil meditation was interrupted when a 'Ding!' sound echoed through his quiet mansion.

Kelevi's eyes snapped open at the sound of his doorbell, he frowned slightly, his nose twitching as he picked up a familiar scent.

A memory flashed through his mind and Kelevi's brow quirked slightly.

"The loud female?" Kelevi murmured to himself as he rose to his feet and headed down his stairs, striding up to the door.

Kelevi pulled his door open, not at all surprised to see a brightly smiling brunette standing on his porch.

Kelevi had not even gotten the door open completely when the brunette began speaking.

"Well hello there handsome. I'm Summer!" The brunette introduced in a sing song tone that had Kelevi frowning in annoyance.

However the brunette froze up for a moment as she stared at Kelevi, her mouth dropping open in awe and she remained like that for a few moments.

Kelevi was tempted to just retreat into his home and shut his door, however it was right at that moment that a familiar scent hit him,

His entire form freezing up in shock, that scent that had his senses going into overdrive,

That addicting scent that had his heart skipping multiple beats at a time.

"Lani! Come on over and meet the new neighbor!" The loud female who was previously frozen in surprise upon sight of Kelevi quickly called out to Kaylani.

Kelevi's mind reeled, his heart beating a mile per minute and his ears twitching as he picked up the sound of his beloved's footstep,

It became apparent to Kelevi at this point that his beloved was heading his way right at this very moment and there was just no escaping it.

Step after step brought her closer to Kelevi's doorstep, while her view was still hidden from his sight since he had not stepped out to his porch, his sensitive ears trailed her movements closely.

Each step she took had Kelevi twitching with barely containable excitement, time seemed to slow down as Kelevi sighted her feet first, covered in a pair of socks and a slipper,

And then she emerged into Kelevi's view, standing right at his porch, clad in a pair of shorts that clung tightly to her curves, her long legs on full display, every inch of revealed skin flawless and sending Kelevi's body heating up.

She wore a casual sweater with her hands tucked into the pockets and the hood pulled up over her head, her gaze slowly lifted up to Kelevi's,

Gleaming silver orbs meeting with Kelevi's own blood red orbs and Kelevi swore his heart was beating so fast, it would jump out of his chest at any moment now, right into her arms were it longed to be.

For a moment, Kelevi hoped dearly that she would not recognize him, yet at the same time, he knew that was too much to ask,

Although the lights in the alleyway had been dim, the moonlight had made up for it, casting Kelevi in it's glow for her to see perfectly and although it would take her a moment or two, Kelevi knew she would recognize him.

"Uhmm hi there... I'm Kaylani, your actual neighbor..." She murmured,

Her voice rang out, soft and light and her lips stretched into an awkward smile, clearly unaccustomed to situations like this.

Kelevi cherished this smile on her lips knowing it would not last long as her eye brows furrowed into a frown, her gaze moving over him.

"You... have we met before?" She asked and Kelevi had no words to say for the very next moment, her eyes widened in recognition and she took an unsteady step backwards.

"Fuck! It's you!" She exclaimed, her eyes wide with horror.