Club Roar 3 (Ch.24)

"Lani, I got a call from work, don't know what it is but I have to take this call." The loud female whispered to Kaylani.

Kaylani nodded in response and the loud female weaved her way through the gyrating bodies to head out of the club.

'She's by herself now...' Kelevi thought, fighting the temptation to approach his beloved who had gone right back to her sensual dancing.

Kelevi desperately wanted to walk up to her, he desperately needed her to stop seeing him as a monster, he desperately wanted to explain the situation she had walked in to back at the alley and bare his heart to her,

But how could he explain exactly what he was doing here?

His beloved already knew he was living next door to her and although she had not guessed he moved into the house next to hers on purpose, she would figure it out the moment she saw him here, stalking her even out to a club.

Kelevi groaned beneath his breath as he ran a hand through his hair, he could not understand how he, the King of the Fanged, one of the most feared rulers of the supernatural realm did not dare approach his beloved.

How he of all people had been completely reduced to an anxious mess, wallowing in fear and trepidation that his beloved would never accept him.

How his undead heart kept reacting in ways he could not understand and how his mind was overwhelmed with feelings and desires he did not recognize.

Had Kelevi not understood clearly what was happening to him, he would have concluded he was going mad,

And perhaps he was, even as he stood right there, watching his beloved dance, every whiff of her scent he caught quite nearly drove him mad with desire,

The sight of her sent his mind into overdrive, Kelevi swore he had completely lost it... and they were yet to even have one decent conversation.

Was this what love felt like? Or was his love more intense as it had built up with longing and desperation of three thousand years.

Was this how every other Fanged who had found their beloved felt? As though they could hardly breathe or think in the presence of that special person?

How had they all survived it? Kelevi could not figure it out,

How were they fine while he was barely getting by after merely a few weeks since he had found his beloved?

Kelevi's thoughts were interrupted when he heard a distant scream from a familiar voice.

Kelevi frowned, recognizing the voice to belong to the loud female, Summer.

'Just what had she gotten herself into?' Kelevi wondered as he picked up on the presence of an incubus demon and a turned vampire outside the club, in the very direction the loud female's voice had come from.

Kelevi grumbled beneath his breath as he recalled the loud female making her way outside on unsteady footing, which could only mean she was drunk or at least tipsy.

There was absolutely no way an incubus demon or a turned vampire who was uncontrolled would not stir up trouble.

Kelevi was extremely reluctant to leave his beloved...but if only for his beloved's sake, he knew he had to ensure the loud female was out of harm's way.

'This had better be worth my time.' Kelevi thought, tearing his gaze away from his mate with much difficulty and heading out of the club.