Bad Trait (Ch.26)

The man swung his other fist at Kelevi which Kelevi casually dodged, applying pressure to the hand still in his grasp, Kelevi remained unfazed as a sickening crack filled the air, followed by a shriek of pain.

Kelevi winced slightly as the sound pierced his sensitive ears, angering him even more than he already was.

The man doubled over, grasping his crushed hand while his friend lunged at Kelevi,

'Humans.' Kelevi thought in annoyance,

They simply did not know when to give up, Kelevi was still yet to decide if this was a good trait or a bad one.

At least in this case, Kelevi was certain it was a bad one.

Kelevi's hand shot out to grasp the neck of the human male, lifting him up off the ground and watching as he struggled for breath, his feet dangling.

Kelevi could not believe he had to be out here, handling such an unimportant situation while he could have been tending to more important matters by watching his beloved.

The mere thought of his beloved further angered Kelevi and he could feel his fangs elongating as a raging thirst kicked up in the back of his throat.

Kelevi tilted his head slightly, staring straight into the dilating pupils of the human male.

"You will take your will leave my sight and you will never let me see you around this loud one ever again, understood?" Kelevi asked in a deep, haunting tone.

The human male nodded as if on auto pilot and Kelevi tossed him down to the ground.

Kelevi watched as the two hurried into their car and zoomed off in panic and he hissed quietly, shutting his eyes to get rid of their glow and calm his sudden hunger.

Kelevi then turned around, heading away back into the club when a hand grabbed his and Kelevi released another low hiss, turning his gaze to meet the gaze of the loud female.

"Well aren't you the neighbor?! What are you doing out here?!" The loud female exclaimed in a tone that should have been too loud to be considered appropriate for a casual conversation.

Of course, it did no good for Kelevi's sensitive ears as he winced slightly.

'Saving you... obviously...' Kelevi thought, wondering if it wasn't already obvious to the loud female what he was doing out here when he had much more important things to do centering around a certain silver eyed beauty.

Kelevi's cold gaze dropped to the loud female's hand on his arm and thankfully, she seemed to get the hint, taking her talons off of Kelevi's arm.

As Kelevi made to leave, the loud female's next words gave him pause.

"Are you stalking Lani perhaps?!" The loud female exclaimed.

Now what Kelevi would have expected when a human said words like 'stalking' was a tone of horror,

But instead what he picked up was excitement in the voice of the loud female as she hurried to come around and stand before Kelevi,

Her brows wiggling in a strange manner and her eyes twinkling in a way that had Kelevi second guessing his decision to save her.

"I'm right... aren't I?" The loud female asked again, a grin Kelevi could only regard as creepy set on her lips.