I Know Why You Are Here (Ch.27)

Kelevi opened his mouth to speak but could not even get a word in when the loud female released an excited shriek, bouncing up and down on her heels.

'Is she... sane?' Kelevi wondered, not sure why he had not considered this earlier as he blinked at the female who jumped around, clearly unaware that he was attempting to leave so she didn't become his next meal.

Kelevi wondered if his beloved had not warned her friend away from him after the events from earlier in the day,

Kelevi guessed that was something his beloved would do since she did know exactly what he was and was equally extremely protective of this loud female.

"I knew it!" The loud female exclaimed as she finally put an end to her bouncing parade and instead took a large step forward, getting up in Kelevi's personal space.

Kelevi's sensitive ears twitched as the first sound to reach his hearing was the healthy pumping of her heart and the blood running through her veins,

Kelevi bit down hard on his lips as he took a couple of steps back, staring in horror at the loud female who still had her grin intact as she stared straight at him.

"What...do you want?" Kelevi hissed coldly, unsure if that was even the right question to ask at this time but it certainly was the only question that came to mind.

"Oh come off it handsome, I know exactly why you are here and I am going to help you!" The loud female squealed in excitement.

Kelevi froze up at the words of the loud female, wondering what exactly she meant by she knew why he was here.

'Did she know what I am? What Kaylani is to me? And that I'm here to win my beloved's heart and take her back with me to the Fanged Empire?' Kelevi wondered,

Kelevi's eyes narrowed warily, he could not pick up the scent of inhuman on the loud female, it should have been impossible for her to know any of these things unless she was one...an inhuman, like Kelevi was.

However Kelevi knew there were those of his kind who could hide their scent so perfectly well that it would be hardly traceable or even non existent.

Kelevi was one of such and so Kelevi knew it clearly, that only the most powerful of his kind could conceal their true scent with such perfection.

Kelevi was King of the Fanged, the most powerful of his race, of the strongest legacy bloodline, hence it stood to reason he could conceal his inhuman side perfectly.

And this had Kelevi wondering, just who exactly was this loud female?

Kelevi felt his fangs elongating as his claws extended, preparing to rip this female in shreds if she did not immediately explain with what intentions she had approached his beloved.

Kelevi had waited three thousand years, how could he be willing to take any chances when it came to his beloved?

Whoever seemingly posed the slightest threat to his beloved... would die!