An Offer From The Loud Female (Ch.28)

"Oh, don't give me that innocent look! I know a crush when I see one and you my friend are smitten by Lani, aren't you now?" The loud female said,

Kelevi blinked, the words of the loud female had his suspicions fading off and his fangs receding as he understood what the loud female had meant all along.

'Just what were you thinking?' Kelevi asked himself,

Of course an inhuman would not have needed his aid to handle two human males and would most certainly have noticed he had been one ounce of control away from drinking her dry.

"I knew it! Like I could swear I saw a chemistry there earlier today! It was no wonder Lani went all frantic, running off like her panties were on fire and telling me not to get around you and shit like that!"

"And please don't be so shy, you wouldn't be the first, Lani is a catch and I would definitely go for her too if I swung that way!" The loud female continued, breaking out into hysterical laughter.

Kelevi concluded perhaps some percentage of her strangeness could be blamed on the alcohol in her system, at least Kelevi hoped was either that or his first conclusion had been correct.

There was absolutely no way this loud female could be normal and still find this whole situation amusing...

Kelevi was stalking her best friend! Wasn't that supposed to trigger some alarm bells?

But clearly they didn't and Kelevi swore the magnanimity of this female was terrifying,

Kelevi dearly hoped this was not how magnanimous this loud female was every other day or his beloved would most certainly have found herself in a lot of trouble.

"What do you want?" Kelevi asked again, wondering when the loud female would get to the point of the conversation.

Kelevi immediately regretted asking when the head of the loud female tilted back and she let out a creepy cackle.

"As I said, I am going to help you." The loud female repeated her previous words.

Kelevi wondered how exactly this loud female believed she could be of help to him and so he quirked a brow in intrigue.

"And how do you plan to do that?" Kelevi asked,

"Hear me out before you write me off...if there is one person who knows everything and I mean everything about Lani, then you are looking at her." The loud female announced proudly.

Kelevi made a mental note at this point to convince his beloved to pick a better friend, or at least a more tight lipped one who wouldn't go about revealing her personal secrets to any random stranger.

"Why do you want to help me?" Kelevi asked suspiciously, he could not believe this loud female actually trusted him so easily merely because he had saved her from two humans.

"Well partly because you just saved my ass...but more because I know Lani better than anyone else. She is complete poise and all that is calm and collected at every moment."

"In all the years I have known her, I have never seen her loose her calm... not even once. And that's saying a lot because that girl has been through some rough shit..."

"But this morning, gods this morning!...I have never seen my best friend react to anything the way she did about you, so frantic and incomposed..." The loud female said in a tone of marvel.