Get Out Of My Head (Ch.34)

The strange male released another loud growl that was cut short when he was hurled across the room by the vampire.

Kaylani winced as the strange male crashed into the basins, crushing them to bits.

The strange male lifted a fierce, savage gaze to the vampire and lunged again, Kaylani could barely keep track of their movements, only the destruction left in their wake.

Kaylani only picked up on the strange male when he soared past her, breaking through the doors of one of the stalls and completely crushing the water closet.

Kaylani winced slightly as she wondered how exactly they would make up for this damage,

The strange male rose to his feet again and Kaylani took a step back, expecting a fierce battle to ensue but Kaylani was shocked when the strange male's lips stretched into an amused grin.

"You do not have to be so touchy about not get your royal pants in a knot, twas merely a jest." The strange male relented,