The Unbelievable Does Happen (Ch.35)

"Why's that?" Kaylani asked in horror,

"You already asked a question Lani, it's my turn now." The vampire replied.

"Are we playing 20 questions or what? What's with taking turns?" Kaylani murmured in annoyance.

"If that is what humans call it, where I come from... it's called 'Getting to know each other'." The vampire replied in amusement.

"Just get on with it." Kaylani grumbled as she leaned against the door of one of the stalls.

"Are you going to ask for my name anytime soon? Or you intend to keep referring to me as 'The vampire.' in your head?" The vampire asked curiously,

Kaylani blinked as she laughed awkwardly, lifting a hand to run her fingers through her hair.

"And if I don't ask?" Kaylani asked.

"I'll tell you anyways..." The vampire replied with a shrug as he pushed off from the part of the wall he leaned against and stalked towards Kaylani slowly.