Mr Assemblyman, Do As I Say! (Ch.49)

"Doctor Myron, the assemblyman..." The voice of the hospital director reached Kaylani while she did her best to staunch the bleeding of the most critically injured amongst the victims.

"I've received a status report from Ian, his condition is currently stable, Doctors Shantel and Edward will see to him." Kaylani cut in.

"His secretary says he requests for you, he won't have the surgery if it is anyone else." The hospital director relayed in frustration, running a hand through his hair.

Just as they spoke, a group of men in black suits led by who Kaylani assumed was the assemblyman's secretary stormed up to her.

"Which of you is the Doctor Myron?" The secretary demanded directly.

Kaylani heaved a quiet sigh, she could not believe she would be having to deal with this right now when there were so many patients whose lives hung on a balance.