He Never Asks (Ch.50)

" Lives are at risk and unlike what you must believe, your life is not the only significant life here!"

"If you do not want to have the surgery from Doctor Edward...you may go get it at another hospital then! But I will not tolerate you enforcing your authority here!"

"A man's life is at stake and every second I have spent here is precious time wasted, you are a patient... you want to be my patient? Fine!"

  "Then you will listen or I will have them restrain you and wheel you into that OR by force!" Kaylani threatened seriously, ignoring the shocked expression on the face of the assemblyman,

"You've been warned!" Kaylani added as she turned around and stormed out, slamming the door harshly behind her.


Kaylani sighed as she stood before the mirror, brushing her fingers and cleaning up to enter into the OR.