What Have You Done To Me (Ch.63)

Kaylani's words were stuck in her throat as she tried to ignore her body's reaction to Kelevi's words but try as she might, she could neither deny or agree with Kelevi's accusations,

She could neither ignore or acknowledge the desire churning within her, or how her skin suddenly felt heated and she was certain it had nothing to do with the heater,

She could not deny the tremble in her hands which she tried to stop by clenching them into fists, or how her heart rate had picked up as he said those words and her knees had gone weak, as though exhausted from holding her up,

She could not ignore how much her heart recognized his desire for her and how right it felt to return such desires even when Kaylani knew it was wrong... terribly wrong.

She could not ignore how her panties dampened at his lustful declaration, as though it was the first time a man had stated his desire to bed her,