Never Again (Ch.64)

Kelevi lowered his gaze as he struggled to restrain himself, the hand he had placed against the wall to cage Kaylani in now became a support for him to steady himself,

Standing so close to his beloved and breathing in her intoxicating scent, Kelevi felt he would snap at any second.

Kelevi could hear Kaylani's heart, the scent of her arousal all around him had left him practically trembling with the need to touch her, to claim her.

Yet as her eyes fluttered closed and Kelevi scented her tears and watched it trail down her cheek, his heart stopped beating and his mind was overwhelmed with guilt and self loathing.

Those tears in Kaylani's eyes had been caused by him, he had pushed too hard forgetting that she was still human and everything was new and confusing for her, not to mention terrifying.

'I hurt her... I'm hurting her...' Kelevi realized, detesting his impatience and selfishness.