Welcome Home (Ch.67)

"Let me take your coat at least." Tyler offered from behind her but Kaylani ignored him completely, her gaze fixed on the Myron Mansion.

As she stared up at the familiar mansion, Kaylani's heart was ridden with complicated feelings.

This was the place she had grown up, the place that bore all her childhood memories of love and laughter, the place she had experienced all the happiness in the world and all the pain in the same coin.

The place that still haunted her thoughts and dreams even when she was so far away in a whole other city.

This was the place that had become her cage, a place she had grown to hate, a place she would have given anything just so she did not have to return here,

To think she would actually have to come back here, it seemed the universe just could not grant her even this one wish.

Kaylani's hands clenched into fists as the mere sight of the Myron Mansion triggered memories she desperately wanted to forget.