Welcome Home 2 (Ch.68)

"Mr Myron has some important dignitaries over, they are in the living room at this moment." Tyler whispered to Kaylani from behind her.

Neither Tyler nor her father had to make the threat obvious for Kaylani to pick up on it.

Kaylani frowned slightly, her father's words and the cheerful tone with which he spoke infuriated her as it always did and Kaylani had to grit her teeth against giving a sharp retort.

There he sat, smiling brightly as though everything was fine and perfect, as though his family was not in complete shambles.

But then again, he had a new family and Kaylani was the only one that did not fit into his new found happiness.

The fact that he could still smile to her without feeling any guilt had Kaylani's stomach churning with disgust and worse still was the fact that she knew she could not defy him.