The Demon Of Possesion (Ch.92)

"You can forsake this host...or die with him, your choice demon..." Kelevi replied in a blank tone.

The demon snarled viciously and Kelevi twisted the hilt of his sword so it dug even deeper into Xandros Madenna's heart.

"King truly are ruthless even to your own kind." The demon spat.

Xandros Madenna's body jerked violently as his eyes rolled to the back of his head and slowly, a large mass of shadow in the form of a man detached from his body.

Kelevi lifted his other hand, still dripping with blood and stretched it out, his eyes glowing.

"I call upon the keeper of the gates, heed my order... take back what is yours or I shall end it." Kelevi swore in a dark tone.

A drop of Kelevi's blood trickled down to the ground and the air immediately became charged with Kelevi's magic.

The winds began spinning rapidly around itself forming a fiery vortex which was the portal to the demon realm.