Doctor's Report (Ch.93)

"Good morning, Miss Myron." Trevor greeted as Kaylani walked up to Damon's hospital room.

"Good morning, Trevor." Kaylani replied as she stepped into the room where Doctor Cole checked on Damon's condition.

"Lans..." Damon murmured in a weak tone, taking notice of Kaylani's presence first.

Doctor Cole whose back was faced to Kaylani immediately turned around.

"Oh...Miss Myron, you are here. I was going to send for you anyways," Doctor Cole said.

"Why, is something wrong with Damon? Trevor and Nate are always here, you can discuss whatever concerns you have with them, you do not need to wait for my arrival." Kaylani replied in a worried tone.

"I was hoping to speak with a closely related family member, you are signed as his guardian on his chart and Mr Sawyer tells me you are his only guardian." Doctor Cole explained.

Kaylani passed a glance over at Damon who averted his gaze guiltily.