A Debt (Ch.94)

Kaylani leaned against the door of the doctor's office, her hand rested over her chest to calm her erratically beating heart.

'This is my fault... this is all my fault.' Kaylani thought to herself as she tilted her head back.

Kaylani did not even want to imagine exactly what had gone wrong with Damon, her heart was filled with guilt as she knew she was the one who had brought Kelevi's world into hers.

And now, the people around her were paying the price for it and Kaylani did not know who else would get entangled in this.

Kaylani's eyes fluttered closed as she sucked in a deep breath to calm herself and then headed back to Damon's room.

"Fiancee huh? Is this how you want to play this, D?"

"Let's all forget about everything else and move forward? How does Tania feel about that?" Kaylani asked in a calm tone as she stepped into Damon's hospital room.