The Knifer (Ch.98)

Kaylani groaned quietly as the loud blaring of her alarm woke her up, she lifted a hand to shield her eyes from the bright rays of sunlight seeping into her apartment.

"Kaylani Myron! Can't we get some sleep around here?!" Doctor Edwards frustrated voice came from his apartment next door as he banged a hand against their shared wall.

Their bedrooms shared a wall dividing it and Kaylani quickly turned off her alarm, rolling her eyes.

Kaylani knew the surgeons were all exhausted, they had only returned to their residence four hours ago and it was already time for the morning rush.

Just because they had carried out an exhausting surgery the night before into the morning hours didn't mean the world would stand still and wait for them.

Everyday in the Evercrest Central Hospital was a busy day and despite the efficiency of the staff, it always seemed as though they were short on hands even with the army of medical professionals available.