You Belong To Me (Ch.99)

An hour later, Kelevi sat on Kaylani's desk in her office, his gaze trailing her while she moved around, picking up some supplies.

Kelevi understood she was still trying to put her thoughts in order and so he let her be, feeling comforted to just be in her company.

It had taken some time to give a full report to the police and answer their questions to help with their investigation,

Although Kelevi had not seen the need for it, Kaylani's glare had kept him from stating his opinion and ultimately from getting a free trip to a jail cell.

Not that Kelevi would go willingly, which meant everything would go south really quickly.

After Kaylani had given her statement and the affair was concluded, 

The sheriff left behind a team to keep an eye on the Evercrest Central Hospital and especially the assemblyman, Mr Jordan Wrights.