A Troubled King (Ch.100)

As the sun set slowly beneath the horizon, while the human population of Evercrest City prepared for a close to the day's bustle, and the night life began,

A certain old cathedral in the quieter parts of the city experienced a completely different scene which left those within feeling uneasy.

The walls of the Blood Claw Palace shook as the earth trembled and violent claps of thunder sounded in the background.

The Fanged exchanged glances and quiet murmurs as they all looked in the direction of the throne room, knowing fully well that the source of these seismic disturbances came from within.

The King of the Fanged was troubled and it had brought with it turbulent changes to the magical dimension that was the Blood Claw Palace.

As the greatest existence among the Fanged, all magic of the realm was subject to his will and when his will grew dark... all magic around him was directly influenced.