I Protect You...You Protect Me (Ch.111)

Kaylani braced herself for the impact when Tania collided with her and she stilled her heart against her hesitations, knowing she would have to end this or she would not get out of here alive.

However the impact Kaylani was waiting for never came.

"Get away from her!" A voice roared and a gun shot was fire, the loud bang ringing across Tania's apartment.

Tania released a pained gasp and spun around in a flash, her eyes widening in horror to find a furious Damon staring straight at her, 

His gun was grasped tightly in his hand and poised to take another shot, and his gaze was narrowed into a glare.

"D...Damon..." Tania stuttered, turning her face away quickly so Damon would not see the change in her features, but Kaylani was certain Damon had already seen what he needed to.

Tania's fangs and twitching eyes were hard to miss and her voice came out hoarse and scratchy.