A Half-ling's Obsession (Ch.112)

"If I didn't come, she was going to hurt you. You protect me and I protect you... that was our deal, remember?" Damon asked.

"Deal..." Tania murmured before she released a mirthless chuckle, her eyes glowing with malice.

"I am nothing compared to a deal you had with her?! What exactly do you take me for Damon?!" Tania snarled furiously.

"What do I take you for? You have been messing with my mind for exactly how long?! Is this what your love is like?!" Damon snapped right back.

Kaylani realized Damon heard their entire conversation and knew exactly what Tania had been up to all the while.

"You didn't have a complaint when you made love to me behind your girlfriend's back! I only gave you what you desire but are too scared to admit it!" Tania hissed.