The Demon Realm (Ch. 136)

The sky was a dim red shade that hung low, much lower than it should and there were large clouds moving past in a slow pace, there was neither sun nor moon, only a round orb of red that settled in the sky and remained so from dawn till dusk.

The appearance of the skies created an eerie ambience and as though that was not enough, there was the loud rumble of thunder and flashes of lightning that shot across the sky, tearing straight down to the ground and creating dents on the ground.

This was the sight from above, and when one looked below, a desert sat, a vast expanse of it, dry and covered entirely in pitch black sand for as far as the eye could see.

The desert was cracked and displayed dents, and steam rose out of these dents on certain intervals, creating a sizzling sound and adding to the already suffocating heat.