The Greater Demons (Ch.137)

"You are still delusional, century after century and you do not change." Minmayor grumbled as he tightened his hand into a fist,

A powerful surge of magic was exuded off of him suddenly and Sitrana was tossed back through the hall, crashing into the wall.

The force of her crash left a dent in the wall and dislodged a few rocks but the rocks went right back into place all on their own.

The main palace was formed from the magic of the demon king himself, it could withstand any demonic magic and could not be so easily destroyed.

Had it been otherwise, the palace would have already crumbled a long time ago from how often the demons battled each other over petty disagreements.

"You shameless coward!" Sitrana shrieked as she jumped to her feet and made to retaliate but a sudden oppressive aura of darkness filled the hall.

Minmayor's heart sank as he lifted his gaze to the first greater demon who had his gray orbs narrowed and fixed on Minmayor.