A Raging King (Ch.158)

"The demon king..." Kelevi murmured aloud in realization, his hands clenching into fists at his side.

Right from the arrival of the twelfth greater demon, Yivigrath, the demons had spoken strange words of the return of the demon king.

Kelevi had not realized it then, that it was all connected... connected and directly linked to his beloved Kaylani.

He had not realized it until this moment, this moment where Kelevi did not even dare to think that it was too late.

Rage bubbled up in Kelevi's heart, rage at nothing else but his own self and his ignorance.

While everyone else still reeled from the shock of their realization, Kelevi's predator side steadily rose up to the surface.

His claws extended and his eyes glowed dimly, a dark and dangerous glint which Kelevi could not be bothered to contain or control.

'Lani was taken by the demons...the demons took her... demons...'  These were the words that constantly replayed in Kelevi's mind.