The Question (Ch.163)

Cain, the head hunter paced around the war room, his expression narrowed into a deep frown.

"When will King Raxiel arrive?" Cain asked.

"At his own time." Jodi replied blankly.

The vague reply from Jodi only unsettled Cain more and he resumed his pacing.

The King of the Fanged had given out an unsettling order, summoning hundreds of his kind into the Evercrest City.

There had never been an event where a call to battle was given in the human realm by a monarch of the supernatural, it would be the very first time in history.

Cain could not even begin to imagine just how much destruction and devastation would be dealt to the human realm if a war was truly to break out between the two species here.

As the head hunter and protector of the humans, Cain simply could not overlook this.

He was not certain how he would do it, but he needed to stop King Raxiel.