One Way Or The Other (Ch.164)

A chilling cold wind drafted across the small room in the farm house where Kaylani was still bound to the chair.

The large windows high above were left wide open, allowing the glow of the moonlight to spill into the room, accompanied by the chilling night air.

Kaylani shivered visibly but that was all she could do as there was no way to source for warmth when she could not even move her own limbs.

"How long had it been now?" Kaylani wondered to herself.

Since Dragen, the demon of pain had left, none of the demons had come in to see Kaylani anymore, or badger her about the location of their king.

  Kaylani was not certain if it was something to be grateful for.

Somehow, Kaylani knew the demons were up to something and after all Dragen had said of her family and loved ones, Kaylani did not dare ponder what evil they were up to.