Deal (Ch.166)

'A deal...' Dragen called it, but to Kaylani it felt more like she had just sold her soul to the devil... literally.

The moment Kaylani gave her consent, Dragen began his work.

As Kaylani assumed, he had already planned it all out and it would have happened with or without her consent.

But what Kaylani had not bargained for was what it meant to have the demon of pain invade her mind.

The very moment Dragen's fingers grazed the side of Kaylani's forehead, pain unlike anything she had ever felt before surged through her skull.

Kaylani hissed, her lips coming open to let out a scream but her voice was caught in her throat when Dragen splayed both hands on the sides of her head, aggravating the pain to over thrice what it had been.

Kaylani felt as though Dragen's claws were physically piercing their way into her head to take out what he needed.