A Lonely Street (Ch.168)

"King Raxiel, you cannot do that!" Cain, the head hunter interjected in alarm.

"And who the hell are you to tell our King what he can and cannot do?" Terin hissed, his eyes glowed dimly as he bared his fangs in warning.

Cain could see that this was a very fragile situation to the Fanged and they would not tolerate his interference, not when the life at stake was that of their King's beloved.

"King Raxiel, allow us a day... just one more day." Cain pleaded.

"It has already been two days, what could you do with one more day?" Kelevi asked in a dark tone.

"King Raxiel, the mortal realm is the territory of the Order. We know better than any supernatural how it works and we excel at tracking down demons the most."