The Power Within (Ch.169)

Damon stared down at his hands for a moment, watching the fiery glow that had encased his hands slowly disperse and disappear like it had never been there,

A speck of ash was left on the back of his hand and Damon watched it fall off, down to the ground and disappear in the puddle of water at his feet.

Damon shrugged casually, in the darkness, his eyes glowed dimly and Damon tilted his head back, the surge of power running through his veins filled him with a foreign thrill, Damon had never felt so alive than he did in this moment.

Like he had only now begun to live, begun to feel, begun to understand what power meant...Damon let his eyes go closed as the rain poured down all around him, leaving him completely drenched but Damon did not mind it.

Instead, he stood in the pouring rain for a long time and as it beat down on him, it washed away his tears and the remnants of what he had just done for the second time over,